Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Ongoing Link Parties...

Do you like Link Parties? When I first started blogging, I wondered what all the fuss was about. Even the name turned me off. I'm not a party kinda girl. However, I decided to give it a go. Now I party every week and I'm even OK with the name party!

Why do I party? I'll be honest. The main reason is to show off my stuff. However, it is a wonderful way to:
  • find other blogs and bloggers with a common interest
  • find ideas and inspiration
When I started my own Link Parties, Threading Your Way with Threading My Way, I wanted people to show off their stuff, to be able to look for interesting blogs and to find ideas and inspiration. But I wanted more.

I didn't want them to be forgotten and to disappear after a week or two. I wanted them to be a resource of ideas on the one topic and for that reason, I made them ongoing

Because each one is on different topic, the number of people interested in each party differs and therefore the number of projects linked up will vary. It's been fascinating to see where the majority of interests lie... totes and girls' clothes being the most popular so far.

As you can see, I'm not choosing themes based on popularity and this will mean that some parties will remain smaller. Perhaps we could call them exclusive... LOL!!!

Even though I do a reasonable amount of refashioning, I won't be hosting an ongoing refashioning / upcycling link party, as there's already an awesome one in existence... Jill, from Creating My Way to Success, hosts Clothes Recycling Projects.

The downside of ongoing themed link parties, is remembering to link up your current (or past) project to a party that was started a while ago. So, here's your reminder... have a look through the link lists and see if you have any projects (old or new), that you are proud of and would like to show off.

I do look through all the parties each week, so rest assured, I will see your project if you link it up. Many of the parties have been pinned numerous times on Pinterest, so chances are, others will see it too.

For those of you who are new to Threading My Way, a new party begins every Sunday, with features on a Saturday. Features come from any of the parties, not just the most recent.

See you at one or more of the parties...


  1. Pam, I love you, really love you take the leads on linking parties. These are wonderful platforms to show off ideas, crafts.... inspiring or being inspired. I must join some of the parties shortly. Thanks and BIG hugs from Hong Kong

  2. That is a fabulous list of ongoing parties! :o) I'll have to go back in my blog and see if I have some to link up. Thanks for posting and hosting it all. xo

  3. I am SOOOO very excited about the impending party Pam. Love your work as always :)

  4. Hi Pam,

    I love the idea of your linky parties, but I haven't joined in yet. I dont' really understand what I can link up. I know it must be on the theme, but does it have to be a tutorial? A free pattern? An original design?

  5. Thank you for this!! I'm still a little confused, I've only had my blog less than 2 months, I've never heard of linking or link parties but I feel I'm missing out! Please let me know what to do! :)


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