Saturday, 14 April 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

It's obvious that we sew way more for our kids than we do for ourselves!!! Why is that? I suppose we don't mind if our kids' clothes don't fit perfectly. If they're too large, they'll grow into them. We want our clothes to fit perfectly and we definitely don't want to grow larger to fit into them.

Of all the things I have sewn since I began blogging last August, only one piece of clothing has been for me. I know I'll always sew more kids' clothes than adults, but I'm going to try and sew more for me. I deserve it!!! I'm aiming to add at least three things to the Women's Tops and Shirts link party by the end of the year. Remember, this is an ONGOING linky which will remain open all year. If you make a top or shirt for yourself, add it at any time. Make us feel jealous that you are sewing for yourself!!!

And now, onto some features...

According to Mr Linky, the most viewed post since our link parties began, was:
Check out six fabulous variations of the one top:
This ever so pretty refashion:
This amazing quilting and appliqué:
An awesome skirt made from an Indian cotton bed cover:
These amazingly detailed dolls clothes:
An art smock that is cute as:
And these fun pillows that are being donated to a children's hospital:

Head on over and visit these talented ladies. 

Each week, I will place a blog button, belonging to the blog which was most viewed, in my sidebar. This week, the most viewed link from all of our link parties since the beginning of the year, was the Multi Tasker ToteCourtney, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

... Pam


  1. i love these parties!!! always something interesting to learn. what im looking for is a pattern for a 60s dress (A-line)...i just love 60s sure one will soon come my way. :)

  2. Thank you so much for featuring me!


  3. Thank you Pam for posting my skirt. For those who do not read English, this skirt was made from a Indian Cotton bed spread that HAD printed circles!!! i cut out the middle circle and added a tunnel for a cord to bind it {bind buttons at end of cord], Cut and hem last circle. leftovers can be used elsewhere. mirjam


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