Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Back After a Break... Almost

There hasn't been much sewing going on here in the last few weeks, and no blogging for over two weeks. It's not often I go for that length of time without at least one or the other on most days.

Things are piling up on my sewing table!!! There are a few pairs of baby harem pants almost finished - just the waistbands to go on three, and I'll be able to send off five pairs, together with matching bibs, to charity. I've missed the deadline, but I'm hoping they'll still be able to be used.

The bag contains my daughter's lined blazer ready for alterations - the sleeves need shortening. I hate to admit it, but I think it's been in the mending pile for well over two years. And there's another one somewhere in my sewing room that she gave me fairly recently. At least I've made a start on one by unpicking the hems.

There's a couple of quilt tops at the bottom of the pile - the screen printed silhouette quilt that's been in the making for several years now, and a flannelette charity quilt that I started on a whim one night.

You mightn't be able to pick them, but I can see the bits and pieces left over of the last finished sewing project - patching and darning a large rip in the knee of Little Mister's jeans. I thought it was going to be a quick fix, like the hole in the elbow of a jacket I mended. Unfortunately the leg was too narrow to sew on the machine, so I did it by hand. 

I should have taken photos, as I experimented with a different technique and I like how it ended up - next time, and I'm sure there will be a next time. Little Mister was rather skeptical when I offered to fix them, but his comment on seeing them finished... They actually look quite good. Success!!!

The photo has been taken as is - no doctoring, staging or hiding things. Ha, ha... this tells you a little about me and some of the items I regularly use...

When my sewing table is messy like this, I'm not inclined to sew, as I'd need to clear a few things just to start. And so I don't start.

Truth be told, there wasn't much sewing going on even before the sewing table became messy. Sometimes the motivation's not there, and I just need a break from sewing and/or blogging. For that matter, the same applies to any hobby I'm passionate about. Every now and then I need to step away.

For the first few days, I always feel self imposed pressure to get back to the sewing and blogging, but if I can get past that, the break starts to feel good.

No guesses as to what I have been doing. If you've been reading Threading My Way for a while, you'll know that I spend an inordinate amount of time outside in my garden.

The lack of sewing and blogging has freed up even more time for my number one hobby. I'm trying to get as much done as possible before the heat of Summer.

Later in the week I'll show you some more photos.

Do you need to have breaks from hobbies every now and then, or can you keep going indefinitely?

... Pam


  1. Oh heavens I'm with you - I take breaks from sewing and from blogging whenever I need them. I try to take breaks from housework too, but I usually feel too guilty to do that, haha. Your first picture is pretty much what my big cutting table looks like - that's where I keep my old laptop for patterns/tutorials, do my cutting and keep things - many things - stacked in piles. The table where my sewing machines sit, is also somewhat cluttered, but not directly around the sewing machine - I have about a 1 foot area on all sides that remains clear, lol. Sometimes I go downstairs and look at the mess that is the cutting table, and go right back upstairs. I declutter it once in a while, but it reclutters almost immediately. I think it's because I plain out have so much *stuff* down there and it all needs to go SOMEwhere. I'd work on that, but I enjoy shopping so much that it's a lost cause :D

    1. Had to laugh reading this, Sandra. I mentioned other things to Pam in my comment but forgot to mention that a large part of the many piles in the sewing room is new fabric waiting to be stuffed away somewhere.

  2. That pressure to get back to the sewing room to do jobs asked by others is the hardest pressure on me. I'd say you are normal. No worries needed.

  3. So glad you got a nice break, but it is nice to see you back. I would love to see more pictures of your garden--looks like an enchanting place. I just took a super long sabbatical from sewing -- mostly forced as my Mom needed extensive care. I am finally back in and loving it. I actually de-junked my sewing supplies and now that I am back in full swing....well, let me just say I wish I had kept several things I passed on. But even when I am not forced, I do find it important to take a break now again. Hobbies, especially blogging for me, can be wearing.

  4. I just move around from one to another like you. Sometimes I cannot stay out of the garden, sometimes I have to sew, other times I cook for days. It is why I blog about a lot of things and cannot stick to one subject. I am just interested in a lot of things, and hope others are too.

  5. Oh, dear! I could have written this post about myself almost word for word. I have done so many little sewing projects for the family in the last year and still have a number of them sitting in the sewing room--some have been there longer than I care to think about! My sewing table has one tiny section cleared because I needed the space to do something quick for one of the kids. The rest is piled high (and I mean HIGH) with "stuff." I'll get in there soon I am sure. I always manage to fight down the mess to try, try again!

  6. I don't think anyone can keep going on anything indefinitely. There are natural ebbs and flows to all things, especially hobbies and interests. I find that in terms of active hobbies, one will always be a priority over the others, as you find with your gardening. My breaks tend to come around as a matter of life's course. (For example, have just returned from two weeks of holidays where I had limited computer/internet time.)

  7. You are definitely not alone Pam. I think everyone needs a break from their hobbies now and again it gives us a chance to look at things with a fresh eye and that is definitely a good thing in my book :)

  8. I think taking breaks from things is actually a good thing! I always come back eager and full of enthusiasm. Sometimes it's not the craft or blog as a whole, just certain projects I put aside for some 'time out'.
    Your garden looks amazing! I can see why you would like to spend time out there.

    1. You are so right, Catherine. A break is as good as a holiday. Thank you!

  9. I had to chuckle, you are not alone. I haven't blogged in?? Almost years,!still have gardening that I'd like to get done before snow flies and my son just dropped off three more shirts to get his specialty patches put on. (These I don't have to take pockets off the shirts at least!, lol ).
    Just remember to breath and enjoy your journey. Hugs from Northern NY.

    1. Better to be super busy than to be bored - even if it's mending.. LOL!!!

  10. I don't do repairs for friends OR family anymore, I really disliked doing it and it took time away from sewing that I wanted to do, and frequently put off because I hadn't done the "repair" yet!!! Vicious cycle! Breaks are very important to me because it refreshes my inspiration and I come back more enthusiastic :)

    1. Good on you, Sheila. I haven't been able to say 'No' yet. Maybe I should try.

  11. My sewing table often looks like that!! And I do take blogging breaks.. and unwanted sewing breaks... :) xx

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  13. There hasn't been much sewing going on here in the last few weeks, and no blogging for over two weeks. It's not often I go for that length of time without at least one or the other on most days.
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