Sunday, 6 March 2016

Showcasing ~ Mothers Day One Hour Apron Pattern

Aprons may be practical and functional, but that doesn't mean they can't look good, too. This pretty apron only takes an hour to whip up.

Make an apron, that ties at the waist, in an hour. Free tutorial and pattern at DIY Crush.

Denise, from DIY Crush, shows how to make her One Hour Mothers Day Apron. The pattern, with accompanying tutorial, is free, and will result in a lined apron measuring 15″ x 20″ (length x width). Ties at the back finish it off.

If your mother loves to cook, this would make a great gift for her and with Mothers Day fast approaching in many parts of the world, now might be just the time.

If you've been reading Threading My Way for any length of time, you'll know that I avoid cooking if I possibly can. Thanks to Mr TMW, I rarely ever have to. I inherited this trait from my Mum and have passed it on to my daughter. My sister, on the other hand, is a wonderful cook. Maybe I could make her one now and be super organised for Christmas.

Denise added her apron to the Aprons & Art Smocks link party. There's a few new links you may like to check out...
  • Darth Vader Apron
  • R2D2 Apron
  • Apron made from Men's Ties
  • Apron with Bib and Gathered Bottom

How do you celebrate Mothers Day in your little corner of the world?

... Pam


  1. It is Mother's Day today in the UK so flowers are expensive and the supermarket has chocolates on prominent display :) One of those stylish aprons would be a much nicer alternative but with three sons I will have to make it myself!

  2. Mother's Day is already fast approaching?? Oy...! Seriously, though, I have already made my mother her gifts for Mom's Day. This marks three years in a row that I have made something for her. For the most part, I never really did anything spectacularly special for the day, since Mom and I have a great relationship and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her on a regular basis. I sometimes get the feeling that those who need to pull out the stops are trying to make up for something. JMHO. :-)

  3. These make such wonderful gifts. One of my aunts use to make them up with all the fun seasonable quilting cotton prints!

  4. That is adorable and I just love the vintage vibe! xx

  5. I'll see my boys on that day - we'll likely to go the older one's house for lunch (which hubby and I spring for, of course, HAHA), and the boys will have gift cards for me :) As long as I get to see ALL my boys on M-Day I'm a happy momma! Oh and the bonus is that I can kiss the younger one (he's 25, hehe) and he isn't allowed to roll his eyes and fake groan :D Love it!

  6. Love the bright, retro fabric, it works so well with that style of apron.

  7. Most my friends have stopped wearing aprons, of any kind, I wear long full length ones and like them as i think they save work. One friend said that i wear them probably because i love my own made clothes more that she likes her Bought clothes... But i also created art with the idea of a White apron =Which in our childhood was worn by nurses caretakers and cooks. My art aprons are 3xtimes greate than `normal` sized ones ; which makes the looker feel like a child again. Two of my friends are delighted when i make them new aprons as presents,,one even told me in secret than `when nobody looks her husband uses the apron i made her while washing the dishes`,,,


    here you can see one of the ART aprons


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