Saturday, 30 August 2014

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

This week's features - (all have been Pinned)...

An amazing refashion, added to the Dresses for Women link party. This was originally a dress with 80's shoulder pads...

Three New-Old Dresses by Claudia, from Sew Lil Time

An excellent tutorial, added to the Sewing Tips & Techniques link party. Piping adds a professional finish to your sewing...

5 Steps to Perfect Piping by Debra, from Stitching Rules

An awesome quilt, added to the Quilting & Patchwork link party. The black and white sashing is so effective...

Number 20 Charity Quilt by Karen, from Made With My Two Hands

A very pretty top, added to the Tops & Shirts for Children link party. This little blouse was sewn in an hour...

Taking Nani Iro to Romania by Victoria, from As It Seams

A stunning dress, added to the Dresses for Women link party. Classy and classic, a dress which won't go out of style...

The Colorblock Dress by Rachel, from Once Upon a Sewing Machine

A super cute dress, added to the Girls' Dresses link party. Pleats are a great alternative to gathers...

End of Summer Dress: New Look 6884 by Amy, from Sews N Bows

A great looking bag, added to the Bags & Totes link party. Two more projects and we'll have 500 bags added to the collection...

Zipper Top Tote Bag ~ Free Pattern by Deby, from So Sew Easy

And a fabulous pattern adaptation, added to the Girls' Dresses link party. You don't need to buy lots of patterns...

Head on over and visit these talented ladies.

This week's featured blog is Sew Lil Time. Claudia, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

Threading My Way_Featured

You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

Don't forget, all of our link parties are ONGOING and will remain open indefinitely. You can add links to any party at any time

I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

... Pam


  1. Wow, everyone has been sewing up a storm this week. It's hard to pick a favorite. Thanks for including my zipper top tote bag. I really like that quilt too.

  2. Thanks for the feature! Love the little deer dress.

  3. Oh, my! Another great week of features! That red quilt is just gorgeous! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  4. WOW this is definitely a "dress"y post - look at all the pretty ladies in their finery!


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