Thursday, 28 August 2014

PDF Pattern Sale...

Even though I have a huge collection of PDF patterns, I'm always on the lookout for new patterns and designers. I've recently heard good things about Blaverry, based in the U.S. and run by Christie Archer.

Blaverry are having a sale at the moment. Use the following codes...

ILoveBlaverry40 - 40% OFF 1 regular priced pattern
ILoveBlaverry45 - 45% OFF 2 regular priced patterns
ILoveBlaverry50 - 50% OFF 3 or more regular priced items

All valid through this Sunday August 31st.

I'm looking forward to sewing my first Blaverry pattern. Christie has kindly offered to send me one, so stay tuned...

... Pam


  1. They have some lovely patterns Pam! I shall enjoy seeing what you make.


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