Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Goodbye 2013 ~ Hello 2014...

Happy New Year!!! In the land Down Under, it's already 2014.

I've had a bit of a break from blogging, but have been busy sewing. In the lead up to Christmas, I was in a mad rush trying to finish off Christmas presents. At the eleventh hour, on Christmas Day, I finished the last present. Yay!!! I finished everything I had set out to make.

This year, I really must start Christmas sewing earlier and pace myself better. Hmmm... I've heard that before.

The photos above are some of my favourite projects made during 2013. Click on the individual photos to take you to the post.

One of the Christmas presents I have yet to show you, was a quilt; the second one I have ever made. I am thrilled with how it turned out and have plans to make more quilts this year. Since Christmas I've pieced 20 Peter Rabbit blocks, ready for a child's quilt. I'm hooked!!!

Another goal for this year is to sew more for myself. I said the same thing this time last year, however, and didn't make one single garment for me. Darning a woollen cardigan and shortening cuffed sleeves on a shirt, while they were for me, don't count as making something from scratch. Let's see if I can do better this year.

Wishing you all a happy, healthy 2014, full of fun, laughter and lots of sewing.

... Pam


  1. One of my goals for 2014 is to finish the UFO's that I resolved to finish in 2013 -- I got 5 done out of 15, then got distracted making 6 quilts for Christmas gifts, so I didn't finish any more UFO's! Will try to do better this year :) Like you, I need to get Christmas sewing done earlier - I was pretty good this year but was still sewing a few days before Christmas - we lost power for a couple of days due to an ice storm (well, it was 29 hours, but it felt like 3 weeks!) and it threw off my sewing schedule :D Of course, by that time it was extra presents I decided to add to my list, but still, I would like to be done Christmas sewing by the end of November, or mid December at the latest!

  2. OH COOL - I'm in a time space warp - my comment went through tomorrow your time, but today my time - and it's a YEAR difference, lol!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  3. Great makes Pam. Looking forward to seeing your quilt.

  4. Happy New Year to you, Pam! That Pride and Prejudice dress is my favorite for the year. I cannot wait to see your latest quilt. :)

  5. Happy New Year, Pam! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  6. Hi Pam. Because crafters have such generous souls we tend to always be last on own lists!! However, I have started making things for myself and, while I still get joy for making for others, I am finding a renewed zest for what I do by making things for me as well. It makes me feel good to be able to go out wearing something I have made. And that can only be a good thing, right?!?! Cheers, Karen

  7. Pam, congratulations on getting all your Christmas projects finished. I am "planning" to start in January to work on Christmas gifts for 2014. You know the quote about "the best laid plans of mouse or men" or something to that effect? I have managed to do that at least once or twice over the years, so I know it is possible. Therefore, I have a measure of hope that I will accomplish my plan.

    Here's to a blessed and productive year for both of us! Have a wonderful 2014!

  8. Hello Pam,

    ....ich wünsche dir von Herzen das Allerbeste für ein gesundes, glückliches und kreatives Neues Jahr 2014!

    Liebe Grüße

  9. You're fantastic. I like reading your inspiring blog. The baby dresses are adorable and the patchwork purses are so pretty. Have a fab new year and filled with creativity !

    1. Thanks so much, Terriea. I look forward to seeing more of your wonderful figurines in 2014!

  10. *round of applause* Well done, Pam! Come September, I'll remind you about your wish to get started on Christmas sewing earlier. Maybe we can each hold the other accountable?;)

    Happy New Year!

  11. Happy New Year, Pam! I enjoyed seeing your wonderful creations in 2013, and am looking forward to seeing more in 2014!

  12. You are an incredibly busy girl. I'm amazed at all you get done and blog and pin on top of it. Not to mention the beautiful work you do. Happy belated New Year to you too. Oh and for what its worth, no matter how early you start,you will always have another idea and be sewing the 11th hour whatever the occasion.

  13. look forward to see what you'll create this year!


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