Monday, 1 April 2013

Sewing with Kids...

Walking through Spotlight not so long ago, I spied a Felt Sewing Kit for kids, suitable for ages 3 and up. It looked like it would be a good little project... easy to finish and everything included in the kit.

The needle is like a darning needle, but made of plastic. Little Miss had used one of my darning needles on two previous occasions, just sewing thread through fabric. The first time was on a scrap of fabric. The second time was on one of the outfits in the dress up box; the Cinderella skirt. I didn't take photos of either, but they were just random stitches.

The felt bird was a much better idea, as Little Miss could see from the picture, what she would be producing. The holes made it obvious as to where the needle had to go. 

After a quick demo, all I had to do was thread the needle, knot the thread to start and finish each time more thread was needed and help with the legs.

She missed a couple of holes, but I said nothing. Little Miss pointed it out at the end, but we both agreed it didn't matter.

Maybe I inserted them the wrong way, but the legs on the bird ended up being a bit wonky. And I was lazy and didn't cut the wire to make feet.  The wings, eyes and beak had to be glued on. Next time, I think I would put holes in the wings and beak so they could be sewn on. For just a few dollars, it was a great way to introduce sewing to a little one. Little Miss and I both enjoyed ourselves!

Sorry, there's no photos of the finished bird. And no, I'm not being sponsored by Spotlight.

... Pam


  1. Sounds like a fun time was had by all Pam!

  2. This is a great idea for getting started with kids and the sewing process!

  3. sooooo cute!!! I love seeing those little hands working with fabric, thread and needle!
    Marisa from

  4. I bought the same kit for my four year old but in the owl version - I was a much tougher task master and made her fix up any skipped stitches straight way. I did let her glue on the eyes and beak herself so it looks a bit wonky, but these kits are a fun way to teach our littlies. They'll be hem,ing and sewing buttons on for us in no time lol

  5. Cute! I'm keen to get Anna involved in some stitching projects like this, I think she is ready for it!


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