Monday, 15 April 2013

Bits and Pieces...

Diya, over at The Hobby Harbour has started a new ongoing link party. It's just for sewing projects that are completed using instructions from a sewing book. This will be a great resource when it gets going.
Fluff 250This month's sew-along over at Hopeful Threads is sewing stuffed toys for children in foster care. Each month, Kristy co-ordinates a new project to help different groups from all over the world.
Cass Can SewCass Can Sew has a new Pinterest board that links directly to the tutorial pages of various blogs. Cass is an avid pinner, so you can bet this board will grow to link to a huge range of sewing blogs.
March's challenge over at Ricochet and Away! was to learn to use a new sewing machine foot and then to sew a project using that foot. Ten participants took up the challenge and now it's time to vote for your favourite.
Creative Sewing BlogThere's a two week series on using your fabric stash, over at Feather's Flights. Heather and guest bloggers will be talking about stash busting, using both fabric and pre-loved clothes. I'll be contributing on Friday, 19th April.

... Pam


  1. Oh I love these bits and pieces! Off to check them all out! Sadly (or expen$ively, lol) the one I'm the most excited about is the one about projects from books, because who doesn't like finding a fun new craft book to BUY, lolol!

  2. Like the sound of the link party, will definitely have to check it out. There are a lot of pristine sewing books on my bookshelf :)

  3. Thanks Pam for this bits and pieces.. And for the shout out of my Link party on sewing books:). It would be great if the lovely sewing enthusisasts at your blog hop over and help it grow:)

  4. Thanks for the round up of ideas. I've really got to go check out that stash buster piece and make some room in my closet!


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