Sunday, 18 August 2019

Showcasing ~ Counting Quiet Book

I love sharing quiet books with children. They're as much fun for me as the child I'm reading to / playing with.

Make a number quiet book - walk in the park ~ Celtic Thistle Stitches

Fiona, from Celtic Thistle Stitches, has made a Counting Quiet Book based on A Walk in the Park. Every page is jam packed with stimulating, interesting and fun details. From an educational viewpoint, there's counting, colour, texture, words, hidden elements, fine motor activities and matching to name a few.

Thanks for the inspiration, Fiona!

Fiona's, Quiet Book was added to the Softies, Dolls, Toys link party. You might like to check out the following Quiet Books also from the Softies, Dolls, Toys linky...
As always, safety first - Make sure quiet books are age appropriate for the recipient.

... Pam

Post settings Labels showcase, showcasing Published on 8/17/19, 10:00 AM Australian Eastern Standard Time (New South Wales) Links Location Search Description Learn how to do shadow appliqué and make a scrappy pillow cover. Tutorial by Clever Chameleon Quilting. Options


  1. Thanks for the showcase Pam, I absolutely loved planning and making this book!

  2. Fiona's book is amazing. I will check out your other links :)


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