Sunday, 27 January 2019

Showcasing ~ Refashion a Sweater into a Cardigan ~ Tutorial

It's too hot at the moment in Australia to be thinking about sweaters or cardigans, but if you live in the Northern Hemisphere, today's showcased tutorial is for you...

Learn how to turn a sweater into a cardigan. Tutorial by So Sew Easy

Mayre, from So Sew Easy, shows how to refashion a sweater into a zippered cardigan. The step by step tutorial, combined with a video tutorial will show you how.

Mayra's Sweater to Cardigan Refashion was added to the Women's Tops link party. You might like to check out the following FREE women's tops tutorials & patterns from the Women's Tops linky...
... Pam


  1. I've done that technique too, cardigans for me are much more wearable than pullovers. Thanks for posting bringing attention to the tutorial, I have a sweatshirt I need to get to soon.

  2. This post is perfect timing for us Nortern Hemi friends. I'm in Florida at moment which is having a cold snap requiring sweater warmth. Home in Kentucky, they are preparing for 0°F when a sweater is needed inside the home. Brr. I'm always interested in the technique used to finish neckline. This is a good one.


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