Sunday, 20 January 2019

Showcasing ~ Denim & Wool Woven Hearts Garland ~ Tutorial

It's less than a month till Valentines Day. For something different, make a garland of woven hearts.

Learn how to make a heart garland using repurposed denim and wool. Tutorial by Pillar Box Blue.

Claire, from Pillar Box Blue, shows how to make a Denim and Felt Scandinavian Heart Garland. The Scandinavian hearts are woven with just a few scraps of denim and old felted sweaters, with only the smallest amount of sewing involved. A garland is made by joining the hearts with long denim seams.

Claire's Scandinavian Heart Garland was added to the Denim Refashioning link party. You might like to check out the following tutorials incorporating hearts from the Threading Your Way linkies...
... Pam


  1. Thank you, for featuring my woven hearts. My birthday actually falls on Valentines Day, so that's why I like to decorate.

  2. Hi Pam

    I have submitted a request to receive your posts via email, which I have also done previously, but I never get your email to confirm my request.
    I have checked my junk mail but it doesn't seem to be in there nor my inbox.
    I hope it can be sorted as it would be great to connect with another Aussie who enjoys sewing.


    1. Kerrie, You don't happen to have a Yahoo email address do you? Sometimes there are problems with Yahoo and Blogger. If so, can you try subscribing from a different email that's not Yahoo.

      I've just subscribed with one of my email addresses to check, and it all went through fine - I received the email to confirm.

      Let me know how you get on. Great to meet another Aussie.


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