Saturday, 26 May 2018

Drawstring Laundry Bag

I seem to have made a lot of drawstring bags in recent times - soccer boots bag, produce bags and gift bags for charity. Well, here's another - a simple, unlined drawstring laundry bag.

Make a drawstring bag to carry dirty clothes home from the gym ~ Threading My Way

One of my sons asked if I'd make him a bag that he could use in place of plastic bags - to throw his sports clothes in after exercising before work.

I do like it when family members ask me to make items that are quick and easy. Without timing myself, I'm estimating 15 minutes max to whip up this bag.

Once again I used expensive linen, the same as Little Miss' soccer boots bag. Why cut into really good fabric for a bag that's going to see some pretty rough treatment? He wanted black, and that's what was in my stash. Besides, it'll stand up to the wear and tear of being washed over and over.

I based the construction on my quick and easy to make drawstring bag tutorial, but changed the size to 14" x 19".

A quick project, but a satisfying one.

You might wonder how I'm going with my 100 drawstring bags challenge. I began the project in late January, and by the beginning of February, I had 17 bags sewn - off to a really good start. Sadly, progress has stalled. In the intervening three months, I've only sewn one bag.

Seems I haven't been able to sustain my enthusiasm for sewing multiples of the same project - at least not without significant breaks. My machine is just back from a service. Time to unpack it and get back to the challenge.

Do you and your family use drawstring bags?

I'll be adding this drawstring bag to the Drawstring Bags link party here at Threading My Way. There are over 100 bags in the collection - lots of ideas and inspiration.

... Pam


  1. So much nicer than a plastic bag or overly priced, logo laden bag!

  2. The only drawstring bags we use are for shoes when we travel. In fact, it's on my "list" to make a couple of small ones for our travel slippers.

    Wishing you luck in picking up your enthusiasm for your one hundred bags. (I freely admit that I would not be able to do that!)

  3. Nice sports bag! We do use drawstring bags (well - I do, hubby doesn't, really) - I just made one this morning, in fact - a Christmas gift bag that I had kitted ages ago - I finally pulled it out of the To Do box and now she's done :) I have a rather extensive collection of rattail because I love using it for these bags - it slides so nicely :D

  4. Molto bello e utile, io amo i sacchetti di stoffa con cooulisse per tutti gli usi!
    Buona giornata

    1. Così tanti usi diversi per le borse con coulisse, non sono lì, Carmen. Grazie per esserti fermato.

  5. Great quick project Pam, my kids are always needing 'stuff bags' and I also like Rochelle's tip to use them to stash shoes for travel. Thanks for sharing x

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