Friday, 8 December 2017

Stashbusting ~ Pillowcases for Charity

With pillowcases taking roughly one yard of fabric, they're great for busting through some of the stash. And they're quick and easy to make, too.

I often sew pillowcases, so I have pattern pieces cut and ready to use - saves time measuring. Flower Press' pillowcase tutorial gives dimensions for Australian, UK and US pillow sizes, and it's the one I originally took measurements from.

The bicycle one is my favourite - probably a combination of the fabric choice and the added piping. Adding that little strip of red is really easy.

It's funny - the polka dot and bicycle fabric didn't do anything for me when placed together. With the red in between, it made all the difference and I really love the combination.

For more pillowcase tutorials, check out... 35 Pillowcase Tutorials. I've grouped them by style of pillowcase and location.

All up I made five pillowcases this time. That's five yards of fabric!!! Didn't make a dent in the stash though.

Would cutting into five yards of fabric leave a hole in your stash?

... Pam


  1. I'm currently working on gathered skirts from a tute found on your blog. It's nice to be sewing again! I really wish five yards would make a dent in my stash!! ;-) That bicycle fabric is my favorite, too! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  2. LOL, no it wouldn't!! I'm afraid you wouldn't even be able to tell that any at all was used.

  3. I'm chiming in with the others that say a 5m reduction wouldn't make a dent in my stash :D It might make a tiny bit of space available on the table where everything is piled, though! ;)

  4. Let me be the contrary one and say that yes, five yards would be a significant chunk out of my stash. In terms of actual fabric (i.e., not repurposed bed sheets and drapery panels), that would represent over 40% of my supply. Good job, Pam!

  5. No, 5 yards of fabric wouldn't make much of a dent in my stash either!! Not even 10 yards!!!


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