Sunday, 11 September 2016

Threading Your Way ~ Features

This week's features (all have been Pinned)...

A comprehensive guide added to the Sewing Tips & Techniques link party. A wonderful resource for problem solving...

Sewing Machine Troubleshooting Guide, by Linda, from Sewing Bee Fabrics... this week's featured blog. Linda, look out for your blog button in my sidebar. Sewing Bee Fabrics is chock a block full of free tutorials - clothes, accessories, for babies, home, sewing machine feet guides, tips & techniques, and fabric guides. Check out Linda's Easy Wet Bag,  Patchwork Picnic Mat, Quilt with Floating Binding and KAM Snap Guide.

Some cute and friendly softies, added to the Softies, Dolls, Toys link party. Great way to use up fabric scraps...

How to Sew Monsters by Joy, from xoxo Grandma

A terrific zippered pouch, added to the Purses, Clutches & Pouches link party. Check out the cool ruler fabric...

Perfect Pencil Zipper Pouch ~ Tutorial by Denise, from DIY Crush

A beautiful table runner, added to the Home Decor link party. Great combination of different size hexies...

Hexagon Table Runner by Klaudia, from Klaudia's Kreativ World

A lovely outfit, added to the Tops for Women link party. Large range of sizes...

Salina Easy Romper ~ Tutorial & Pattern by Mayra, from So Sew Easy

And an awesome refashion, added to the Tops for Women link party. Looks good with both jeans or a skirt...

Refashion Runway: The Tunic Challenge by Susan, from Second Chances by Susan

Head on over and visit these talented ladies.

Follow Pam ~ Threading My Way's board Threading My Way ~ Features on Pinterest.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

Threading My Way_Featured

You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

Don't forget, all of our link parties are ONGOING and will remain open indefinitely. You can add links to any party at any time

I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

... Pam


  1. Thank you Pam. So kind of you to feature my blog and with such a lovely review too :-D

  2. HAHA can you imagine a group of those monsters sitting in front of the Christmas tree, on Christmas morning, with a tag on each with the recipients name? That would be SO awesome!


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