Sunday, 14 September 2014

Take Great Photos With Your Phone...

Want to know how I took those awesome photos for the Rainbow Dress tutorial? Ha, ha... I didn't. My daughter, Tash, from Little Ladybird, did the photo shoot.

Wish I could say that they were my photos, though. Tash captured the rainbow dress exactly as it looks in real life. She doesn't own an expensive DSLR camera. In fact, she didn't even use a camera. All of the photos were taken with her iPhone.

I really need to pay more attention when Tash gives me tips on taking good photos. Find out how you can take great photos with a phone over on Tash's blog.

... Pam


  1. What a cute photo! I love the paper chain, too! =D

    1. LIttle Ladybrid did a fabulous job, didn't she, Tara.

    2. Totally. Super cute! Do you make all of these things? How long does it take you to do each piece? I'm only just picking up sewing. I'm currently working on a 1960s dress pattern where the skirt bells out from the waist. Really interesting how everything pieces together.

    3. I do make everything here on the blog, Tara. The length of time to sew varies and I rarely sit down and do a project in one sitting, so it's hard to estimate. I have often tried to time myself and always get distracted and then forget about the timing.

    4. Ah, I know what you mean. I've worked on my dress for two weeks, and now it's been two more weeks since I've done anything with it (except unstitch the skirt from the bodice because I have to add a waist band to it (think a cummerbund). I sew at my friend's house and his mom is actually teaching me and showing me how to do the stuff I don't know.

    5. Sounds like you are learning a lot, even if there's a couple of weeks between sessions.

  2. Lovely dress. Nice picture too . Curious to go see it now

  3. Fun pictures! I'm impressed if that's a phone


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