Monday, 4 November 2013

What's Happening in November...

A quick heads up on some sewing related happenings in November...

Deby, from So Sew Easy is hosting the Seasonal Sewing Series. The series will be jam packed with sewing tips and projects, with a giveaway every Monday to Friday throughout November. I'll be guest posting 7th November.

Softies for Mirabel, is an annual handmade toy drive, helping kids who are affected by parental substance abuse. Toys can be knitted, crocheted or sewn. More details over at Meet Me At Mikes. I missed out last year, but I've asked Erin to make sure I don't forget this year.

Anything and everything BOY... For the Boys Blog Hop, run by Sew We Quilt and Sew Incredibly Crazy. Watch out for my post, November 6th.

Spoonflower is organising a sew-in for those in the U.S. to support Softies for Mirabel. Sign ups are now open for the sew-in or check out the details for sending in handmade toys.

Hopeful ThreadsNovember's project at Hopeful Threads, Baby Love Sewing, is in support of the babies of the NICU at Kristy's local hospital... making quilts, blankets and lovies.

Sew Mama Sew is hosting the 7th annual Handmade Holiday series, with a new roundup of ideas every day in November... tutorials, recipes, printables; ideas to help you create for the people in your life. Prizes every day throughout the month.

Nannynotes2uNanny Notes 2U is running a sew-along in support of Pillowcases for Oncology Kids. Any pillowcases will be gratefully received, but the sew-along will concentrate mainly on Christmas themed pillowcases. Pillowcases are so quick to make. I whipped some up last week. 

Handmade Holidays... baking, crafting and sewing over at Skip to My Lou. Giveaways!

Here's a few great boards I've discovered this week...

A couple of blogs that are new to me...

Left Handed NotionsLefthanded Notions has LOTS of posts on embroidery. As the blog heading suggests, the instructions are written for left handed sewists. I've forgotten everything I ever knew about embroidery, but one day, I'm going to learn again. I'm sure I'll be able to adapt the ever so detailed instructions.

YOUR BLOG NAMESew Cool for the Tween Scene, is a relatively new blog, devoted to sewing for tweens. They've just started a sewing link party that caters to the 9 - 13 year old age group.

ONGOING charity projects...

Fluff Project (large) The Fluff Project is all about making stuffed toys for children in foster care. What started as a monthly project, co-ordinated by Kristy, from Hopeful Threads, has now turned into an ongoing drive.

Days for Girls International: Feminine Hygiene Program... Every Girl. Everywhere. Period. Veronica, at SewVery, brought this one to my attention. Such easy projects we can sew to help these girls retain their dignity.

Imagine a world where every little girl owned at least one dress. This is the aim of Dress a Girl Around the World. There are chapters around the world and within many states of the U.S. The Australian, Washington and UK branches are very active, as no doubt are many others. These are just the ones I've had contact with.

Do you sew for the holiday season? It's not that far away!!!

... Pam

1 comment:

  1. Just to say.. I have made a little jeans basket and posted it on my blog today. Thanks for your fab tutorial and your inspiring blog. x Jo


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