Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Bits and Pieces...

Congrats on winning the GOLD!Do you remember the Curved Seams Dress I made in January? That dress has earned me the gold winner's badge and bragging rights, so I'm proudly displaying my badge. 

I've already signed up for the next challenge over at Ricochet and Away!, the Fancy Feet Sewing Challenge and here's how I think I'll meet the challenge. It's only the beginning of the month, so there's plenty of time to join in.

I've also signed up for the Crafty Cooks Apron and Recipe Swap, run by Fiona, from Celtic Thistle Stitches and Sam, from A Cup of Tea and a Slice of Cake. Now, those of you who have been reading Threading My Way for some time, may recall that I have said I don't cook. Mr TMW does the cooking. Well, I now cook one night a week, but with a limited range of recipes. So, at the end of the swap, I'll have one more recipe to add to my repertoire.

Celtic Thistle Stitches
There's still time to sign up for the swap, but you'll need to be quick. Sign ups close on March 15th, or when the limit of 30 participants is reached. There's already 20.

... Pam


  1. And a well-deserved winners badge it is! I love this dress.

  2. Congrats on your bragging rights Pam and thanks for the shout out!

  3. Congratulations Pam. The dress is beautiful.

  4. This is a very nice dress, congratulations!!!!!!
    I loved this dress from the first time I saw it here in your blog, and despite that all the creations in this challenge were original and beautiful, your dress is still my favorite at the challenge!
    Marisa from

  5. Congratulations! That is a great fun dress, I am not surprised you won!

  6. Congrats! If I'd been a judge, this dress would have been my choice.

  7. Congrats on your badge! I loved this dress :)


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