Saturday, 30 June 2012

Threading Your Way ~ Features

It wasn't hard to predict that the Clothes for Men Link Party would be a small one. We seem to sew for our kids first, for us second and lastly for our men. Are men's clothes harder to sew, too much of the same, the recipients are too picky or do we lack confidence?

I'll be sewing for Mr TMW again soon, but the next two items won't be clothing. Mr TMW saw some fabric he liked the other day and so we purchased it, ready to make a couple of things he'd like.

I'll be finishing my quilt first. I've pinned it together. The beautiful Winter sunshine called me out to the garden today, but I'll start on the quilting tonight.

When I finish my quilt, I'm making something that was linked up to the Kitchen Accessories Link Party. I have most of the materials on hand and have purchased the one thing I didn't have. I can't tell you what it is yet, as it will be a present.

You can add projects to any of our 26 link parties at any time. A new ongoing party begins each Sunday. Features, which are usually done each Saturday, can be chosen from any of the parties. There's a list at the bottom of the post.

    Our features for this week...

    I was so impressed with these outfits linked to the Clothes for Men Link Party:
    An awesome reversible bag linked to the Bags and Totes Link Party:
    A gorgeous pair of baby shorts linked to the Baby Clothes and Accessories Link Party:
    And three pink, girlie and fun outfits linked to the Pretend Dress Up Clothes Link Party:

    Head on over and visit these talented ladies. 

    Each week, I will place a blog button, belonging to the blog which was most viewed, in my sidebar. This week the most viewed link  is the Blue Plaid Shirt. Andrea, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.

    Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

    You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

    Don't forget, all of our link parties are ONGOING and will remain open all year. You can add links to any party at any time.
    A new party for Swimwear  begins tomorrow. Thanks, Cindy, for the suggestion.

    I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

    ... Pam


    1. Thanks so much for featuring my reversible shoulder bag!
      Greetings from Germany!
      Have a wonderful weekend!!!

    2. Thank you for the feature! :)

      Yes, I think it is much harder to sew for the guys.

      Those crowns are adorable, too.

    3. Thanks for the feature Pam! :)
      Love that Linen Shirt!
      I'm not sure why it is, but I don't typically sew as much for my hubs either. I made up for it at Father's Day this year with new lounge shorts and apron, but I need to sew for him more often. Sometimes I think men's clothing patterns are just more difficult to sew and not much variety. My guy also wears a uniform through the week, so I can't really contribute there. He always enjoys the things I do make him though, which is fun. :) Maybe I should make him some fun kitchen items to go with his apron....

    4. I really appreciated what you did. This threading your way-Features is a great idea.

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