Thursday, 3 November 2011

Finished Projects for October...

Here's everything I finished and crossed off my To Do list during October.

Considering I spent one quarter of the month holidaying in Brisbane, I'm reasonably happy with the sewing I finished.

Here's the section of the wedding dress that is being kept and transformed into a day dress to wear to another wedding.

This month I've signed up for a few challenges. The first is a week long Framed Purse Sew Along. Everyone is due to finish tomorrow and I haven't even started.... eeekkkk!!! Looks like I'll be sewing most of tomorrow. Thankfully, being on this side of the world, I'll have an extra half a day to finish. The finished purse is going to match the transformed wedding dress.

Frame Pouch Along

My To Do list continues to grow at a fast rate; much faster than I can ever hope to keep up. The more time I spend reading sewing blogs, the more I add to my list and the more wonderful challenges I find and want to sign up for. This month I'm exploring lots of new blogs over at Lily's Fresh Sewing Day and Thursday Think Tank at Making Rebecca Lynne.

Fresh Sewing Day

Edited: 4 November...
Re wedding dress photo above: All I've done for that photo is cut the bottom of the dress off. What you see here is the actual wedding dress as it was, minus over half the dress.


  1. Wow you have been is so nice to tick things off a list..although I agree about reading other lovely blogs...makes my lists even longer.
    Thanks for stopping by my space too.

  2. Pam the wedding dress transformation is looking awesome! Very excellent work. You must be very proud! Don't worry about the pouch, it takes mere hours to create. You can get it done in no time! Can't wait to see it!!!

  3. Ha ha Pam - don't feel bad about the PAL. I haven't even received my frames yet! As per usual, I'll be waaaay behind the pack. ;)

    Your dress transformation does look great by the way. Great idea.

  4. Doesn't it feel great to knock things off your list like that??? But I'm like you, my list grows faster than I can sew! :) FUN! FUN!

  5. I am so curious about the dress ;-) Btw, i just looked at the swim suits you made for Barbie and Ken. They are awesome!

  6. The dress is looking amazing! Can't wait to see it finished. I must check out the frame purse sew along - I bought a frame purse kit a while ago and the instructions are a nightmare.

  7. Pam - You have accomplished a lot last month. And you have been my great inspiration, seriously.

    I LOVE your wedding dress transformation and now I am really looking forward to seeing the frame pouch that will match this dress.

  8. I live the bathing suits! What a fab use for those aerobics outfits lol - what a blast from the past... I think mine went to charity ;)


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