Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Wrapped up...

I wrote this post for the Crafty Christmas Club and thought I'd share it here as well. As Christmas is our next big celebration, I have used mainly Christmas colours, but the ideas could be adapted to any situation that involves wrapping presents. Just vary the fabrics to suit the occasion.

I've been experimenting with different types of fabric bags to use instead of wrapping paper. After use, the bags can be packed away, ready for next time. This will save the mountains of paper that we tend to use each year.

Pictured above are the easiest bags to make. They only takes a couple of minutes. 
  • Sew 2 pieces of fabric, right sides together.
  • Use pinking shears on the 3 seams. If using a non-directional print,  only 2 side seams are needed.
  • Turn right side out and finish the top with pinking shears.
  • Tie with the ribbon of your choice.

The green bag pictured only takes a few minutes longer.
  • Place 2 pieces of fabric, right sides together.
  • Place 2 pieces of ribbon into one of the seams.
  • Sew the seams
  • Finish the seams with a zig zag or serger.
  • Hem the top.

Drawstring bags can be made as big or as small as you need them. I used this Treasure Bag tutorial. These bags can be part of the gift for the recipient and can be used for a myriad of things.

The last type of bag I'll be using for wrapping, will be the totes pictured. These can be left as is, or tied with ribbons. I've also experimented with using red hair clips to keep them closed. The totes can, of course, be made in any size. They can be reused the next year, or can be part of the gift for the recipient. I used this tote pattern.

Now that I've worked out how I will be wrapping presents, I'd better get moving on making the actual presents.


  1. Absolutely agree using fabric bags for gifts wrap is good idea. Environmentaly friendly, touch of care and thoughtfulness especially made it by oneself. Your bags are so festive. Love to do the same this Christmas.

  2. Really cute idea!! And would look just beautiful waiting under the tree! I'll definitely be doing some of these this year!

  3. Love these!!! And I love to use items that have been or can be reused as well! I posted some various ideas last year that I'll share again soon....ok if I link to your lovely bags when I do? :)

  4. Great idea! Its always nice to give away something that can be used again rather than thrown away (wrapping paper).

  5. What a great idea! Reusing gift bags is a great way to help the environment. Thanks for the tutorials, I will use the drawstring one!

  6. These will be a perfect project for Emily! I love the first fabric :)

  7. What a great idea - one I may borrow (if I get time)

  8. This is adorable, I'm thinking about making them for the annual cookie exchange I go to! Super cute. I was given the Liebster Award, for up and coming bloggers and I've passed it on to you. Feel free to stop by and check out the details. :) http://www.ahome-made.com/2011/11/liebster-blog-award.html xoxo

  9. I love this eco friendly idea, and you are so organised! You've inspired me to get my act together and do the same this year. I might have to get to the op shop in search of a Christmas coloured sheet to use!

  10. I've be toying around doing the same thing...I especially like the totes. I'm a new follower, please drop by when you have a chance.

  11. Hi, Pam! I love the ones with the ribbon accents!

  12. luv it and great for the environment.
    Would luv for my readers to discover your blog, will you please join our weekly party at
    have a great crafting week!

  13. Great bags - I love all your cheery fabric!

    Thanks for linking to a Round Tuit!
    Hope you have a great week!
    Jill @ Creating my way to Success

  14. I've started doing this as well. I love having fabric bags tucked away and waiting to be used again and again. I like the ones you've displayed! I'll be bookmarking!

  15. Way to be environmentally responsible! I love the bags -my favorite is the one with the santa print and lots of ribbon!

  16. So awesome and adorable..These are soo pretty...I have a Pin Inspirational party happening today I'll love for you to link this too please :)) TY http://theartsygirlconnection.blogspot.com/2011/11/pininspirational-thursday.html ..Wishing you an awesome day..M

  17. Great bags. Such a wonderful idea.

  18. very cute little bags! And so perfect for all the many gifts given at this time of year! Thanks for sharing this @ Show & Share. I am so happy to have you!

  19. Beautiful, thanks for sharing at bacon time.

  20. great idea! I'd love for you to link up to my Friday linky party! This is so great!


  21. I love these and it great to see someone going green. I love the looks of pretty wrapped gifts but when the kids and grandkids arrive and we open gifts it is paper and ribbon everywhere.


  22. Love your idea of using fabric bags for Christmas wrapping! I just may borrow your idea this year!!! Thanks for joining the 25 Days of Christmas Linky! Feel free to grab the pic and post a link on your site!

  23. So darling! And I love that they can be used again and again.

    Warmly, Michelle

  24. These bags are darling. So glad you linked up to the 25 Days of Christmas blogshare. I'm a new follower, so stop by and follow too if you like.

  25. Oh what a CUTE idea! I love the way the bags turned out! We'd love for you to share this with our readers for Fun Stuff Fridays. http://www.toysinthedryer.com/2011/12/fun-stuff-fridays-4-3-weeks-long-for.html


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