Monday, 6 August 2018

Showcasing ~ DIY Magnetic Pin Jar ~ Tutorial

Today's showcased project involves no sewing whatsoever, but you'll use it almost every time you do sew. And, it only takes one minute to make...

Learn how to quickly make a magnetic pin jar ~ eSheep Designs

Rochelle, from eSheep Designs, shows how to make a magnetic pin jar. As soon as I find the right size jar I'm making one of these.

Rochelle added her magnetic pin jar to the Sewing Accessories link party. You might like to check out the following tutorials at the Sewing Accessories linky...
  • Pattern Weights
  • Thread Catcher
  • Scissors Holder
  • Needle Case
  • Sewing Machine Cover

    ... Pam

    1 comment:

    1. Thanks for "fixing up" (and then featuring!) my submission, Pam. I got all tangled up in some error messages and then had to leave the house, forgetting all about it when I got back.


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