Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Text Fabric Makeup Bag Zippered Pouch

I have a thing for text fabric. There's just something about it that draws my eye - even if it's illegible, in another language, or totally random. 

Make a zippered pouch makeup bag using text fabric ~ Threading My Way

As soon as I saw this particular fabric at my local quilt shop, I knew it would be coming home with me - The Wordsmith, by Janet Clare, for Moda.

Using very small pieces of each of three Wordsmith fabrics from the line, I made a tissue pack holder. I know you can only see two fabrics - the third is underneath and is cream text on a navy blue background.

Once again I followed the tutorial by Sum of their Stories - same as I did for the 42 tissue pack holders I recently whipped up.

Sewn at the eleventh hour as a gift, I didn't have time to take photos, so no tutorial for this one. I did scribble down measurements, so I can give you an overview...
  • text fabric - 10" x 6" (cut two)
  • navy fabric at bottom - 10" x 5" (cut one)
  • join fabrics - text + navy + text - to form one rectangle
  • interface - fusible fleece + sew-in woven
  • navy fabric - 10" x 2½" (cut two)
  • join to each end of rectangle as per QAYG zippered pouch tutorial
  • attach zipper - I do a modification of the Open Wide Zippered Pouch tutorial
  • sew bag - lining + exterior - use favourite tutorial and modify for no seam at bottom
  • make a tab for zipper end - zipper tab tutorial

The lining began life as one of my shirts - it's a beautiful linen that has been patiently sitting cut up and waiting to be used. I knew the perfect project would eventually turn up.

The recipient is going to use her new zippered pouch as a makeup bag. 

Make a zippered pouch makeup bag using text fabric ~ Threading My Way

I'm thrilled with how the zippered pouch turned out in the text fabric. I want one for me!!!

This isn't my first text themed sewn item, and it won't be my last, as my text fabric stash is growing...

My love of text is not limited to fabric. Over at A Tray of Bliss the other day, I came across beautiful handmade text wrapping paper - now on my To Do list.

Have you incorporated text fabrics into your sewing?

... Pam


  1. That's a sweet little set - I'm sure the recipient is very pleased with her gift :) I love text prints when I see them, but I don't seem to have many in stash - I tend to gravitate towards prints in specific themes or my favourite colours when I'm shopping. I can't seem to resist polka dots either - I used a lovely fat quarter today of grey polka dots - it was exactly what I needed for my project (and those lucky Americans - it's regular stock from Walmart, 97 cents, Waverly fabric - LOVELY to work with) :D

  2. Great pouch and thanks for the instructions and links too. Will look out for this text fabric at the FOQ show in Birmingham I am sure Janet Clare has a stand. Must look up how you do the zip, like the way it hangs out at the end with a tassel thing.

  3. I love text fabric too! Lovely zippered pouch.

  4. You already know about my passion for the text stuff. I sometimes feel sad about not venturing into fabric shops and indulging but then, whatever I don't see, I won't miss. (I love the fabric you used on the sewing basket.) I'm also quite taken with map fabric. So are you making a pouch for yourself??


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