Thursday, 9 June 2016

Appliquéd Seagull Cushion

On a recent trip to see my sister, she mentioned on more than one occasion, that her seagull cushion was lonely. Time to make a second.

Make an appliquéd seagull cushion. Perfect for a beach house. Threading My Way

I flipped the appliqué, so the two seagulls can look at each other, or face in opposite directions if they wish.

Details about the cushion and the pattern, are on my seagull cushion post of almost three years ago. Three years - no wonder he's been lonely!

Don't you love his long, skinny legs? The scribbly/sketchy stitching is so effective, yet very easy to do.

Here he is sitting on my outdoor seat. Today he'll be flying over to the other side of the country, where he'll feel much more at home near the beach... and I can come and visit them both.

And now you can see why bunting was so appropriate for the card I showed you earlier in the week.

I'll be adding the seagull cushion to the Pillows & Cushions link party, here at Threading My Way.

... Pam


  1. You will have a flock of seagull cushions one day Pam! He is lovely your sister must be thrilled with him.

    1. I am indeed! They look gorgeous together on the lounge. I'm lucky to have such a clever and generous sister.

  2. This is fantastic!!! I love the embroidered details!!

  3. Beautiful!! Love the bunting you added on the cushion:)

  4. Such a clean smart looking seagull - I love it!x Jo

  5. This is a wonderfully whimsical applique design, Pam! Who wouldn't adore receiving this?! Love it!

  6. That's a saucy, sassy seagull - I love him! I think he was carrying a french fry in his mouth and dropped it JUST before you stitched him up - he has kind of a self-satisified french-fry-eating-grin on his face :D

  7. Love this pillow Pam! You did an excellent job :)

  8. I'm one very lucky and grateful old chook. Thanks so much again, Pam. I just love these guys sitting on the lounge looking at each other. They look as though they're chatting, or maybe planning some mischief. I've sent a photo of them together.

  9. Aww, this is great Pam, love it :)

    Thanks for sharing at Creative Mondays

  10. I love your seagull pillow, it is darling!

  11. Hi Pam! I love the seagull cushion you have made! She really looks cute! x Teje

  12. What fun! Looks great, I can imagine a one legged seagull wouldn't go astray amongst the others too :)

  13. Oh, too cute, Pam! They should definitely look at each other. Maybe they are in love!

  14. I love that you flipped him so they can look at each other - such a cute idea!
    I'm sure they will be very happy together.

  15. Your seagull pillow is so cute and I always like the black stitching around the applique!

  16. What a gorgeous cushion, I love the scribble effect in the black thread, such a great sea gull.


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