Monday, 15 February 2016

Resources for Refashioning Denim Jeans

These are just a few of the pre-loved jeans in my refashioning stash. They range in size from tiny kids' jeans to very large men's jeans. I have grand plans for repurposing them. Maybe a quilt will even eventuate one day. I'm always on the lookout for new ideas, so today I'm sharing resources to help you upcycle, repurpose and refashion denim jeans.

Resources to help with upcycling, repurposing and refashioning pre-loved denim jeans - tutorials, ideas, projects, tips for sewing with denim ~ Threading My Way

Denim is a very thick fabric and this means special considerations when sewing...

With over 240,000 page views and 37,000+ repins on Pinterest, my denim fabric baskets tutorial has been by far my most popular post. And I still use them almost daily. They sit on the shelf next to my sewing machine, and just as in the picture, they contain sewing bits and pieces.

Fabric baskets are a relatively quick and easy project to make from jeans. This one uses an old shirt as the lining. I've also made them with Christmas fabric

Following are roundups with LOTS of other ideas and tutorials...

Pinterest has a wealth of jeans refashioning ideas... Please leave me a link if you have a Pinterest board that's devoted to repurposing jeans

More resources...

Resources to help with upcycling, repurposing and refashioning pre-loved denim jeans - tutorials, ideas, projects, tips for sewing with denim ~ Threading My Way

Do you have a stash of pre-loved jeans? Mine is growing at an alarming rate - not only do I have my jeans, the rest of the family give me their cast offs, as well as jeans their friends no longer want.

... Pam

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  1. I do have a stash of jeans! I used to cut what I saw as all the usable parts out for saving until I saw your fabric baskets made from the legs. There was another pin from your collection that even used the seams. Now I just save the pants whole until I decide on the project.

  2. ^^^ That darn Baye Leaf beats me here every time - she's kinda STALKY! ;)

    I have a stash of jeans because I bought a dozen pairs (kid size!) @ the thrift store a couple of weeks ago :D All 3 of my guys used to wear them and then I'd get the worn out version, but now they either don't wear them (hubby), wear them right out (DS1) or wear the kind that have the stretchy stuff in them (DS2) and I don't like the feel of them :D I keep waiting for a really good sale @ my local fabric store - when I can find the right denim for the right price I'm going to buy 10 or 15 meters - I love sewing with denim :D

  3. I have a stash of jeans in the fond belief that I will eventually get around to making a quilt from them one day!

  4. I'm working on a denim quilt from my son's old jeans. Thanks for the great post!

  5. I have a large bag full of jeans waiting until I have enough for a quilt too.
    Now and again I have to dip in if I want denim for another project but one day I will have enough - hopefully I won't have gone off the idea by then!

  6. Love this post! Yes, I've always loved your fabric basket. I see it everywhere. Who knew something so simple & easy would be so popular. Wait, I guess simple and easy is why it's popular. :)

  7. I save all my families jeans for upcycling. I've made loads of stuff that I love. We have a patchwork denim quilt on our bed the different shades of indigo which just look gorgeous. As well as pillows, I've covered chairs, made organisers, and magazine racks out of old jeans. I'm always on the lookout for my next denim project.

  8. How have I not seen your denim baskets before???! They look great. They have one more view and pin now!

  9. Great roundup, Pam!
    I don't know why but I'm avoiding upcycling with jeans... Your post though is so resourceful and now you made me think of making new clothes from old jeans ;)

    1. Thanks, Mariana. Due to the thickness of the fabric, sewing with pre-loved jeans is probably harder than other fabrics.

  10. Very creative ideas to repurpose old jeans! You may also like mine upcycling old jeans project


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