Sunday, 13 December 2015

Threading Your Way ~ Features

This week's features - (all have been Pinned)...

A great alternative to wrapping paper, added to the Gift Wrapping link party. And they're easy to make...

Easy DIY Gift Bags with Boxed Corners by Lisa, from Cucicucicoo... this week's featured blog. Lisa, look out for your blog button in my sidebar. Cucicucicoo is all about making stuff without leaving a footprint. Check out Lisa's refashioning and upcycling posts, as well as her tutorials.

A cool tip, added to the Sewing Tips & Techniques link party. You only need an ordinary sewing machine...

How to Fake a Coverstitch by Amy, from Sews n Bows

A fabulous garment, added to the Women's Skirts link party. A wearable muslin...

First Try at the Chardon Skirt by Marie-Fleurine, from Sew MarieFleur

A very pretty little dress, added to the Dresses for Girls link party. Love the fabric and the style...

Enchanted Forest Roller Skate Dress by Amy, from Anna's Heirloom Boutique

A lovely dress, added to the Dresses for Women link party. Perfect for our hot weather in Australia at the moment...

The Graffiti Dress ~ Free Pattern by Deby, from So Sew Easy

A beautiful skirt, added to the Women's Skirts link party. Jenya still finds time to sew, even with a small baby...

Everyday Skirt in Denim by Jenya, from While she was sleeping

Some super cute stockings, added to the Dolls' Clothes link party. These are so tiny...

Head on over and visit these talented ladies.

Follow Pam ~ Threading My Way's board Threading My Way ~ Features on Pinterest.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

Threading My Way_Featured

You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

Don't forget, all of our link parties are ONGOING and will remain open indefinitely. You can add links to any party at any time

I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

... Pam


  1. Thank you so much for featuring my skirt, Pam! I appreciate it! Amy - love your Enchanted Forest Dress, so cute!

    1. Thank you Marie. I love your skirt too. I want one for myself ;)

  2. Thank you so much for featuring one from So Sew Easy this week Pam. I love the shape of that skirt, something else to add to my sewing to do list.

  3. Oh my stars a stocking for a stuffy - that is adorable, and is going on the To Do list for next Christmas. The "leave no footprint" aspect of Christmas prep is an important one, and actually, the stocking idea would work with that as well - a gift wrapped in a stocking which is another gift :D A zipper pouch is another gift that can hold a gift :D So far this Christmas I've only had to use paper on one gift - it needed to be boxed to keep the items from getting squished in the mail - everything else has gone in drawstring gift bags, quite a few of which have been reused from last year! Economical - and green :)

  4. Thank you very much Pam :) You are always very kind :)

  5. Thank you Pam. All the features here are so wonderful. Thanks for including Anna's dress :)

  6. Hi Pam. I very rarely get to be creative these days with a busy family but when I do I love to come visit and see what everyone else has been up to. Thanks for sharing :)

  7. Lovely shares again, I'm going to show Venetia the doll's stocking idea, I think she might like that for next year.


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