Thursday, 24 December 2015

Season's Greetings

It's Christmas Eve in Australia and I have just one more small gift to sew. Throughout the year I've been much more organised, pacing myself, and not trying to do the impossible.

I've spent the morning in the garden and am heading out again in a few minutes. In the evening I'll finish off the sewing and will wrap the remaining presents.

This time of year means different things to different people. For me, it's all about family - a day with the most important people in my life.

What we do during the day is not important - being together is.

However you spend this time of year, I hope there's lots of fun and laughter celebrating with the people who mean the most to you.

Seasons Greetings - Merry Christmas - Happy Hannukah

See you in 2016, if not before...

... Pam


  1. Merry Christmas to you, too! We are having an unbelievably warm 64 degree (about 18c) Christmas Eve day. Unheard of here where it would normally be closer to freezing point with snow on the ground. I think I should head out to the garden, too.

    Wishing you a very merry holiday season! Thank you so much for all you do for us everyday sewing bloggers throughout the year. I don't know what I would do without all the inspiration and tutorials your blog provides. Please know how much I appreciate it.

  2. As I'm practically a "neighbour" of Bay Leaf's, our weather is similar (11C, 52F and bright and sunny!) - it is GLORIOUS! Actually what she said - is what I'm saying as well - she just beat me to the punch, but said it well - thank you for your work, and your friendship, and for being a fun lady - maple leaf hugs sent your way!

    We get to see hubby's family tomorrow, including 4 of our greats (1Xniece, 3Xnephs). We'll also be seeing our two boys, and will be talking to my family on the phone - it'll be a great day :)

    I finished sewing yesterday - today I'm actually cutting out cardboard templates for some woodland creature puppets - just because I can :) I won't be making the puppets until after the new year, but for now I get to do some prep work and look through my felt for foxy/hedgie/badgery/raccoony colours :D No stress, no worries, and lots of Christmas cookies, LOL!

    1. P.S. Maybe I'll head out to Bay Leaf's garden too - 650kms - we could make it in time for late supper, lol! Hey Bay Leaf - turn on the porchlight - it's not just Santa comin' by!! ;)

  3. It is surprisingly mild here too, all the outdoor ice rinks are melting!
    We will have most of our family around us tomorrow and thanks to the joys of technology will get to at least see and speak to those who are miles away! Can't ask for much more than that in my book :)
    Thanks for all the inspiration you provide throughout the year too Pam, it is what makes this crafty online community so wonderful to be part of.

  4. Merry Christmas! You sound like me sewing gifts on Christmas Eve. Believe it or not, I could have worked a garden today. Breaking temp records. Hit 70F today!

  5. Merry Christmas, Pam! I hope it will be a blessed and beautiful day for you and your lovely family.

  6. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family!!

  7. Merry Christmas to you and your family:)

  8. Much too late, but hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.


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