Friday, 13 September 2013

Peasant Blouse...

This is my second time making the Peasant Blouse by Tie Dye Diva. I was thrilled with the first one, both how it turned out and the attention to detail in the pattern. 

Thank goodness for BACKUPS, or you wouldn't be able to see the original peasant blouse. In writing the beginning of this post, I somehow managed to delete the post I was referring back to... totally my own fault, not paying attention and I clicked one too many times. The original post is recovered and unless I told you, you'd never know... unless of course you tried to click on it during the time when it wasn't there and when I was muttering and moaning, wondering if I'd be able to retrieve it. So, after all that, you really should go and look at the pattern review of the peasant blouse... LOL!!!

Once again, I've chosen to finish the sleeves ant neckline with shirring. It's so easy to do and I just love the look of it.

This time I added the ruffle; easy to sew and a great way to finish off the bottom, especially if the blouse is going to be worn not tucked in.

This really is a quick and easy make. The fabric is White Ground Cartoon Bear, a 58", 100% cotton, from Wholeport. It's rather cute and went down well with both Little Miss and her Mum. Thanks, Wholeport, for giving me the fabric used in this project. Being 58" wide, I have lots of fabric left over.

I wish I knew more about the different types of cotton fabric. It's a light weight cotton, so perhaps it's poplin, but I'm not sure. I use a lot of quilting cottons to sew clothes for kids, but for a peasant blouse, I think the lighter weight cotton sits very well and it will be lovely and cool for our upcoming Summer.

As with any peasant blouse, the fit is loose, making it comfortable and allowing lots of room for growth.

Little Miss teamed her new blouse with leggings and boots for the photo shoot. Love her style!!!
  1. Do you know how to backup your blog?
  2. How often do you backup your blog?
I'll be adding the peasant blouse to the Tops and Shirts for Children collection, here at Threading My Way.

... Pam


  1. Love the top. I have never done shirring as it looks too complicated. Nope I have never backed up my blog.... hmmm..... I am not technical!!

  2. so cute! That fabric is adorable :O)

  3. Sweet blouse - the fabric is adorable!

    Thanks for the backup reminder - I've done that too - one too many clicks and bad things happen - then you just sit there going ... OMG what did I DO??!??! I ran (lol) to mine and backed up the blog AND the template - on blogger it's just a few clicks and it's done. And now I'm going to go back up my bookmarks, Firefox and Thunderbird!

  4. I was just thinking today I need to back up my blog - I would be devastated if I lost all my back posts. I love Little Miss's style, so unconscious and straight from the heart at this age

  5. Cute top! The fabric choice and the ruffle on the bottom are so adorable.:) And Little Miss definitely has style!

    How do you back up your blog, Pam? I don't think I have ever done a back up on mine...something I had better look into!

  6. Lovely and how sweet is the material :)

    Thanks for sharing ...

  7. Pam,
    This is is such a cute top..and that material! Those sleeves are so cute too. Shirring is easy? I'll have to look into that b/c I love it! :)

  8. I love the silhouette of this dress and the fabric is so cute! I love it!


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