Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Tom Tom Carry Bag...

Finally, I've sewn something for Mr TMW!!! As part of his Christmas present, I made him a drawstring bag for his Tom Tom.

I viewed this as a prototype, as I was unsure of the fabric. I had thought I might make another with motorbike fabric, as he'll be carrying it when he rides, but My TMW wanted this one as the final bag.

It's basically a lined drawstring bag, with two compartments, boxed corners and wadding (batting) for protection. I made this on Christmas Eve night, while Mr TMW was asleep, so there was no time for photos of the process.

My own Tom Tom needs a carry case. I'm debating whether I'll use this design, or whether I'll add a zip. I won't be making one for me any time soon, as I'm flat chat at the moment, but when I do, I'll take photos and do a tutorial.

I still have another couple of handmade Christmas presents to show you. 

I'll be adding Mr TMW's  Tom Tom bag to the Electronic Gadgets Covers link party.

... Pam


  1. très joli sac ! merci de partager avec nous !
    bonne journée

  2. Very cute much nicer than the horrid black leather thing my hubby uses.ha ha

  3. I love the 2 compartments inside the pouch!

  4. That's a cute bag - I like the interior dual compartments aspect ;)

  5. Ooh good idea, we need one of these, I'm sure ours would be much happier all cosy in there than scraping around on the car floor....

  6. I received a Garmin for Christmas. I will be watching for the tutorial to make this for my GPS, Thank you. Perfect timing. Maureen

  7. Another beautiful creation, I just love the idea of the two compartments, is fantastic !!!! I love the fabrics also.
    You did a nice job.
    Marisa from


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