Saturday, 19 January 2013

Threading Your Way ~ Features...

Amazingly, I'm ahead of my schedule for January's sewing, probably because I knew I'd have to be organised if I were to finish all the projects I'd signed up for. There was no time to procrastinate and change my mind a million times as I generally do. You should see my desk, though... bits and pieces everywhere!!! Time for a clean up.

As always, I've enjoyed looking through all of the projects added to the Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way  link parties. The only problem is, that I keep adding to my To Do list... LOL!!!

This week's features...

A very pretty fabric basket, added to the Drawstring Bags and Fabric Baskets link party. I love the shape of this basket and it looks very quick to make...

Gathered Round Basket Tutorial by Lisa and Sarah, from A Spoonful of Sugar

A beautiful clutch, made from vintage linens passed down through the family, added to the Purses, Clutches and Pouches link party...

Clutch from Vintage Linens by Kaitlin, from Wunderbar

An awesome first sewing project, added to the Girls' Skirts link party. A skirt is a great project for a little person's first attempt at sewing...

First Sewing Project by Mandy, from Mandy Made

Some fabulous dolls' clothes, added to the Dolls' Clothes link party...

18" Doll Clothes by Karyn, from Kayboo Creations

Girl Scout Uniforms by KC, from The Real Thing with the Coake Family

An adorable softie, added to the Softies, Dolls and Toys link party...

Softie Bunny Tutorial by Mira, from Sewing the Littleheart Collection

And two beautiful dresses, added to the Dresses for Girls link party. Both of these dresses were sewn for Week 2, Stripes and Polka Dots, at Project Run and Play.

Stripes and Dots Bubble Dress by Annie, from Peaches and Bees

Spring Fever Dress by Rachel and Donna, from Once Upon a Sewing Machine

Head on over and visit these talented ladies.

This week's featured blog is A Spoonful of Sugar. Lisa and Sarah, look out for your blog button in my sidebar.

Feel free to grab a button if you've been featured...

Threading My Way_Featured

You can find the Master list of ongoing link parties at Threading YOUR Way with Threading My Way 

Don't forget, all of our link parties are ONGOING and will remain open indefinitely. You can add links to any party at any time

I look forward to seeing more of your creativity...

... Pam


  1. Thanks heaps for the feature Pam! Your ongoing link parties have so much inspiration.

  2. Thank you for featuring my clutch! I'm getting ready to make more of them. It's such a fun project.

  3. Great projects Pam, I must check out that clutch and the fabric bag will be ideal for a swap I have just signed up for.

  4. Thank you so much for featuring my dress! I enjoy your parties!

  5. I was ahead on my sewing once ... but then I woke up and realized it was only a magnificent DREAM!! ;)

    I really need to try that gathered round basket - I pinned it a while ago because it actually looks fairly simple to do, and is ever so pretty!

  6. Thanks so much for the feature! I love the gathered neat. Have a great week.


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