Saturday 3 March 2012

Blog Tag ~ I'm It

Adrianne, over at Happy Hour Projects, and Kadie, from Seven Alive, have both tagged me in a bloggy version of tag. I've been enjoying Adrianne and Kadie's blogs since we all did the Retro Pillow Challenge together last year. Here's how it works...

  • You must post the rules.
  • Answer the 11 questions that the tagger posted for you and then create 11 questions to ask the people you've tagged.
  • Tag 11 people and link them in your post.
  • Let them know you have tagged them.

Adriane's Questions:
1. If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would it be? That's a hard one. My family could answer that one more accurately. I'll go for.... perfectionist.

2. What's your guilty pleasure? Chocolate.

3. Socks or barefoot? I dislike going barefoot. I'm not even keen on just socks. In Summer I like sandals and in Winter, slippers.

4. What's the fastest way to make you mad? Oh, it's not hard at all. Offer me chocolate and then tell me that you were only pretending.

5. What's your favourite time of day? I am so NOT a morning person. I like to stay up well into the early hours of the morning and then sleep in each day.

6. What's your most embarrassing moment you dare to share? Not so long ago, my daughter was waiting in her car for me, while I finished fabric shopping. Shopping done, I hopped into the front seat of the car, BUT, it was the wrong car, with a horrified lady and her kids looking at me. Trying to find the right car, there was my daughter laughing in the next car... a senior's moment.

7. Sweet or Salty? I definitely have a sweet tooth.

8. What's the story about your first car? I owned a Mini Clubman GT, complete with roll bar and done up for racing. (Picture The Italian Job.) I didn't race it, but the guy who owned it before me did. Well, perhaps on the odd occasion, I drove a tad too fast :-) :-) :-)

9. If you could only have one box of craft supplies, what would be in it? Well, it would have to be a box big enough to fit my sewing machine, cottons, scissors and some fabric.

10. What's something you're proud of? Setting up a couple of servers and maintaining a network of 100+ computers.

11. What is the best gift someone could give you? A gift voucher to a fabric store.

Kadie's Questions:
1. What is the last book you read? Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert

2. What is your all time favourite movie? The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

3. Would you rather dress up and go out to eat or stay home? Dress up and go out.

4. How much time do you spend on the computer each day? WAY too much!!! Sometimes all day, but at least several hours most days.

5. What is your favourite city or town you have visited and why? Queenstown in New Zealand, or Port Douglas in Queensland. Queenstown is simply magnificent. Port Douglas has the Barrier Reef and the Daintree Rainforest.

6. If time, money and kids were not a factor and you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be? I would like to go back to New Zealand and trip around both islands. I'd also like to travel around England and Scotland.

7. You are on a beautiful beach, warm sun and sand. Are you most likely to build a sandcastle or swim in the ocean? I love walking along beaches, climbing along the rocks and listening to the waves. If it's not too rough, I like to go for a short swim or just paddle in the shallows.

8. What's the story about your first car? I owned a Mini Clubman GT, complete with roll bar and done up for racing. (Picture The Italian Job.) I didn't race it, but the guy who owned it before me did. Well, perhaps on the odd occasion, I drove a tad too fast :-) :-) :-)

9. What is your favourite book? No one favourite, but Tim Winton is my favourite author. I've read all of his books and loved them all.

10. What is your favourite type of food: Italian, Mexican or Chinese? Thai food is my favourite at the moment, but Chinese would be my second favourite. I'll be honest and say I've never tasted Mexican.

11. What is your favourite drink? Peppermint tea. I drink several cups a day.

If you've read all of that, you've done well!!! Now, 11 people I'm tagging:

Marilyn at 4 You With Love
Tara at True, Pure, Lovely
Tasha at Little Ladybird
Fiona at Celtic Thistle Stitches
Anne at Domesblissity
Amy at A Home, Made
Esther at Happy in Red
Christie at Joyfoolery
Kenda at Kenda's Crafts
Michka at Michka's Creative Solutions
Tanya at Wee Little Birds

11 New Questions:
1. What housework task do you try to avoid?
2. What's your favourite piece of clothing?
3. What couldn't you live without?
4. What's your favourite form of relaxation?
5. What's your favourite way to exercise?
6. What is your favourite reading matter?
7. What is your pet hate?
8. What would you do if you lost access to your blog?
9. What is your favourite type of holiday: relaxing or doing...?
10. What food do you least like?
11. What do you dream of doing one day?

A word to those of you I tagged. If you would rather not participate, that is totally fine. No pressure; it's just a bit of fun! If I didn't tag you and you would like to play along, I would love for you to leave your answers in the comments.

Edited to add: I referred to Steve McQueen in 'The Italian Job'. Thanks to Mr TMW (yes, he reads my blog) for pointing out that Steve McQueen wasn't in 'The Italian Job'. It was Michael Caine, but I don't think he drove any of the minis. Steve McQueen was in 'The Great Escape'. 

... Pam


    1. lol, thanks for sharing, Pam. Love the story of getting in to the wrong car. I almost did that last week when I was looking for a friend's car!

    2. Thanks for the share, Pam! It's so fun getting to know other bloggers a little bit better!

    3. I'm afraid I'm still laughing at you sitting in that stranger's car. :)

    4. Hehe oh how embarrassing!! That reminds me of my embarrassing car experience recently....I was picking up the kids from school, I got everyone belted in and then I jumped the passenger side!! I quickly jumped out and was only sprung by one other mother, I'm not sure who I thought was going to chauffeur me home!
      Nice to get to know you a little bit better Pam!

    5. Ooooh I'll have to check out the books and author you mentioned. Thanks for the much needed laugh over getting into a stranger's car! (I've been sick this week and needed some cheering up.) I'm going to have fun responding to your questions- happy to be meeting and making friends with fellow crafters out there. :)

      1. Tim Winton is an Australian author. Look forward to seeing your answers...

    6. Ha ha ha I'm glad you shared that with us Pam, very funny embarrassing moment! You poor thing that would have been mortifying.

    7. Oh my gosh, I just laughed so hard when I read about you getting into the wrong car! just the other night I stopped by Wollies after dance class and spent about two minutes trying to unlock a car that looked just like mine but wasn't!
      I was so embarrassed as I walked away and to my own, but physically getting into someone else car!!! Amazing!

    8. Hi Pam! I like this game. I enjoyed reading your answers and I want to play too :-)

      1. What housework task do you try to avoid?
      cooking. I simply do not prepare food at home. It has gotten worse these past few months and I eat out all the time or skip meals.

      2. What's your favourite piece of clothing?
      There's this plain knit dress I got which is not constrictive and very flattering. I like wearing clothes that don't "judge" me if I gain a few pounds, but are still feminine and pretty.

      3. What couldn't you live without?

      4. What's your favourite form of relaxation?
      Lying in the park and watching the tall trees, seeing a bit of the sky, on a warm day with a nice breeze, and falling asleep. Also cuddling up in bed with a book and forgetting about anything else.

      5. What's your favourite way to exercise?
      Yoga. I love Iyengar yoga and I've had a few years of practice in my life, but I've not practiced much recently. I am terrible at keeping an exercise regime. I also like riding my bike but I've not been doing much of that either. It's been raining a lot this winter so I can't even if I wanted to.

      6. What is your favourite reading matter?
      I love books that teach you stuff. Like books about psychology, science, sewing, stuff like that. Something eye opening and fascinating.

      7. What is your pet hate?
      I hate it when cars stop at the side of the road without indicating and I get stuck behind them having a hard time to merge back with traffic.

      8. What would you do if you lost access to your blog?
      I would probably write to the company that runs the blog and get it back.

      9. What is your favourite type of holiday: relaxing or doing...?
      I like just being in a place, absorbing the atmosphere, walking around, seeing the people. So probably touring a city by foot, meandering the streets, not necessarily going to the hot spots.

      10. What food do you least like?
      Meat. Particularly seafood because it looks so much like it has a tail and such. I seem to be going back to being a vegetarian and ideally I would be a vegan but I don't think I could.

      11. What do you dream of doing one day?
      Ohhhhhh!!! Retiring and doing my sewing stuff all day, reading books, living life at a moderate pace, sitting in the sun pondering, meeting with creative friends, what a dream!... :-)

    9. I love to come back and read this again and again. :) Thanks for sharing, Pam. :)


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