Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Christmas Present...

I saw some fabulous ideas for wrapping presents over at Hopeful Threads. One of my favourites, was Kristy's idea of using a pillowcase instead of wrapping paper.

I used this tutorial from Flower Press to quickly make up a pillowcase. Using the tutorial meant I didn't have to spend time measuring an existing pillowcase. I wanted the pillowcase to be suitable for wrapping a Christmas present, without being too Christmassy, hence the colours I have chosen. For me, the hardest part of making the pillowcase, is making sure the fabric is cut accurately as rectangles. Once that is done, it takes no time at all to sew the pillowcase.

Pop the present inside, tie it up and you have a present within a present. There's nothing to throw away, as even the ribbon can be used again.

I've made a sewn card to go with this present. It's going to be put inside an envelope, before it goes under the Christmas tree. I just wanted to show you the pillowcase with matching card.

What's inside the pillowcase you ask? I'll have to tell you after Christmas, just in case the recipient is reading.


  1. Looks great! I love The colors you used as well.
    I made a personalized Santa sack style wrapping for my work KK and forgot to take a pic of it.. I'd feel to silly asking for it back to take a pic but it looked so good, I hope she finds some use for it.

    Ps also loving these sewn cards you've been making!

  2. What a great idea! I love the fabric you used for the pillow it can be use all year round. :) Everything looks just perfect!

  3. I love those ideas, thank you for sharing! How cool to make a matching card to the gift wrapping. Merry Christmas!

  4. It's beautiful! I'm sure the receiver will love it.

  5. (couldn't edit my comment, had to delete and redo!)

    I love using p-cases for gift wrapping - they're big enough to hold almost any gift, plus they're a gift in themselves, plus you can personalize the fabrics to the recipient - win win win! But you added an extra "win" by matching the gift card to the pillowcase - I must borrow that idea!

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