Tuesday 26 November 2019

Library Bags - I've Finally Done Some Sewing

Finally, I've done some sewing, and it's come in the form of library bags (book bags) for charity.

Sewing library bags - book bags - for charity. Tutorial by Threading My Way

Although Mum came home from hospital just over a month ago now, I haven't been in the right head space for much of anything. I've been retreating to my garden - my happy place - whenever I can.

A request by one of the family, for drawstring bags forced me back into sewing. It was just what I needed to help me get back into the swing of things. Since then, little by little I've motivated myself to do a bit of sewing here and there, to the point where I'm now enjoying it again.

My sewing mojo is back! And overall that's had a good effect on me.

Sewing library bags - book bags - for charity. Tutorial by Threading My Way

Using fabric I'd already cut out a LONG time ago, I've made 15 library bags and a few easy sew no-zip pencil cases. Once I've packed them up, they'll be heading to Sewing for Charity Australia, for their back to school project.

Sewing library bags - book bags - for charity. Tutorial by Threading My Way

If I had the time to borrow books from the library - indeed, just to read books - this is the one I'd keep for myself. The fabric is Magical Lands by Saffron Craig - sadly no longer available. Although I would have made it with longer handles for myself.

It's been months since I've read any blogs. I'm off now to do a little catching up.

... Pam


  1. Send some of that mojo to upstate New York, please! So glad your mom is home and that sewing is again joining gardening as a fun activity. I've been working my way back to the sewing room, too. Hope to do a few things as holiday gifts. Now if they turn out looking as good as your bags here, I will be happy!

  2. Glad to see that you have reconnected with your sewing mojo Pam those book bags will be a great fundraiser I am sure. Hope your Mum's recovery continues apace.

  3. Wonderful book bags, Pam, I am so happy your Mother is with you and you have rediscovered your sewing mojo!

  4. "Library Bags - I've Finally Done Some Sewing" is a heartwarming testament to the joy of crafting and the satisfaction of creating something functional. The author’s enthusiasm for their newfound sewing endeavor shines through as they detail the process of making library bags. The narrative unfolds with a delightful mix of personal anecdotes and practical instructions, making it not just a tutorial but also a relatable story of stepping into the world of sewing. The bags themselves, with their colorful fabrics and thoughtful design, embody both utility and creativity, perfect for carrying books while showcasing the maker’s individual style. This piece is an inspiring read, encouraging others to embrace DIY projects and celebrate the fulfillment that comes with honing new skills.
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  5. Wow, this comment really struck a chord with me as a struggling student juggling assignments and deadlines. Libraries are my second home, and I fully understand how personalizing reading can make a world of difference. But let's be real - we're all on a student budget, right? If you are looking for cheap paper writing help , this recommendation is for you. Because let's face it, creativity is great, but a little academic support doesn't hurt either. Keep those handmade bags and let's help each other survive the academic jungle!

  6. Library Bags - I've Finally Done Some Sewing" is a delightful and inspiring article that captures the joy of embarking on a new creative endeavor. The author shares their journey into sewing with enthusiasm and authenticity, recounting the process of selecting fabrics, designing patterns, and mastering sewing techniques. Through personal anecdotes and reflections, they convey the satisfaction of creating something handmade and unique, infused with their creativity and personality.
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  7. "Library Bags - I've Finally Done Some Sewing" is a delightful and inspiring account of a sewing journey that brings both practical utility and creative joy. The author shares their personal experience of crafting beautiful, functional library bags with enthusiasm and attention to detail. Through clear instructions and charming anecdotes, the narrative captures the satisfaction of completing a sewing project and the joy of seeing it used in everyday life. The guide is perfect for beginners looking to dip their toes into sewing or for experienced crafters seeking new ideas, offering both motivation and practical tips.
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