Saturday, 14 April 2018

Showcasing ~ How to Weave a Floor Rug ~ Tutorial

Rag rugs appeal to me. Made using fabric off casts, they're a great way to upcycle old linen, they look good, and they're practical too.

Learn how to upcycle and weave a floor rug. Tutorial by The Farmhouse in the Field

Stacey, from The Farmhouse in the Field, shows how to weave a floor rug using old bed sheets. Any fabric that can be torn into 12" strips could be used - selvedge ends, table cloths, curtains. The detailed tutorial will step you through the process.

To weave a rag rug, you will need to have a loom. Of course, you could buy one, but I've found some tutorials for making your own. You may have to adapt them to suit Stacey's floor rug...

Stacey added her Rag Rug to the Home Decor link party. You might like to check out the following tutorials at the Home Decor linky...
  • Liberty Fabric Covered Clay Dish
  • Table Runners
  • Curtains Upcycled from Men's Shirts
  • Placemats
  • Nautical Mug Rug

... Pam


  1. Rag rugs appeal to me as well. Years ago I took a class on how to crochet (I think it was crochet, but it may have been another rug technique - I can't quite recall) fabric strips into what was supposed to end up as a rug - my psoriasis must have been in full bloom at the time because the technique hurt my fingers way too much and I wasn't able to finish anything. Every time I see a project like this one I fall in love all over again - I had no idea that making a loom was such a simple matter!

  2. Rag rugs were really popular in the NE of England where they are called Proggy Mats. They use a different technique but are another way to upcycle old linens. I like the thought of upcycling old bed sheets I have lots of those hanging around :)


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