Saturday, 5 August 2017

Showcasing ~ Delicates Wash Bag ~ Tutorial

Net curtains were all the rage back in the 70s and 80s. We had them on every window. Now-a-days they're not quite as common. Today's showcased tutorial will show you how to repurpose them, if you have some old net curtains lying around.

Learn how to make a delicates wash bag from an old net curtain. Repurposing tutorial by Sum of their Stories.

Julie, from Sum of their Stories, shows how to make a Delicates Wash Bag from an old net curtain and a zipper rescued from a cushion cover. This is a quick project, taking about ten minutes from start to finish. Julie's detailed tutorial will show you how to easily whip up a bunch of delicates wash bags in no time at all.

I'm wishing I hadn't given away the net curtains when I changed my window coverings. I'll be on the lookout when I next visit the Op Shop (thrift store).

Julie added her delicates wash bag to the Purses, Clutches & Pouches link party. You might like to check out the following links at the Purses, Clutches & Pouches linky...
  • Two Tone Lined Pouch
  • Rose Wrist Purse
  • Cork Wallet
  • Triangle Pouches
  • Dog Bone Pouches

... Pam


  1. What a great idea! I have a store bought one and it is so big that all my items kind of get twisted together inside. A smaller one would be a whole lot better.

  2. Love this upcycled idea. Thanks for sharing.

  3. good way to protect delicates but 10 mins you must be joking it will take me at least 20 just to put the zip in and that will be no way professionally done

  4. I still have net curtains on most of my windows back home :) Good idea to make a laundry weighing bags instead of plastic... no zip though... xx

  5. Hmm.. it cut of some of my comment! It's meant to say: good idea to make a laundry bag... you could also make veggie weighing bags instead of plastic :)


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