Wednesday, 14 December 2016

No Sew Gift Tags

... the easiest Gift Tags you'll ever make

Over the last fews weeks, I've been experimenting with making Christmas tags, and so far I've shown you three sets...

Today's gift tags are the easiest to make yet! 

Make Christmas cards from scrap cardboard. They cost nothing and are very quick to make ~ Threading My Way

When I was making my Cardboard Off Cuts and Fabric Scraps Gift Tags, I came across a piece of cardboard packaging that was perfect without any embellishments. The finished tag is the two toned green tag in the photo above. The back is the right hand one in the photo below. All that was necessary was to cut the tag shape, punch a hole and add a ribbon.

This got me thinking and I started looking around the house for more cardboard packaging that might fit the bill...

Make Christmas cards from scrap cardboard. They cost nothing and are very quick to make ~ Threading My Way

... and I found some with zig zags. The boxes are made from recycled cardboard, hence the flecks of different colours. And there's very little advertising, so I get half a dozen from each box. They're perfect for a natural look with brown paper and string. I've cut out a bunch already.

From there my mind jumped to old cards, both birthday and Christmas. In the past, I've cut up old Christmas cards into different shapes with old pinking shears. I'm much happier with this year's result, just cutting them into a plain tag shape.

Make Christmas cards from scrap cardboard. They cost nothing and are very quick to make ~ Threading My Way

I can't believe I've never thought of cutting out gift tags from cardboard packaging before! 

I'm sure lots of you have been making gift tags like this for years. Tell me how you make your gift tags.

I'll be adding my Christmas gift tags to the following link parties... 

... Pam


  1. I have a cutter thingy downstairs that cuts paper into tag shapes - I just stick the paper in (I can see it through a clear window) and press down and the tag is cut :) I can't believe I haven't thought of using it on Christmas cards to make tags - I'll save my cards this year and try it :)

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