Tuesday 26 January 2016

Lego Fabric Baskets

I think this is the last Christmas present that I haven't shown you. I bought one of the little people a couple of small boxes of Lego, and made him a fabric basket from a fun Lego print. 

I rather like the design, with the lining forming the trim at the top of the basket. It's an easy technique to do, but unfortunately, there was no time to take photos of the process, as all his presents had to be mailed to the other side of the country to arrive in time for the big day.

Whilst I like the design, there's not enough structure to the basket. As you can see, it has a bit of a lean. It's definitely still usable, but the next version will be improved on this one. Either the basket needs to be smaller, or more wadding / interfacing needs to be added. A square shape would help, too.

The fabric is the same as used on the basket made to contain baby wash cloths - Small Sky Bricks purchased from Flowerpress. Thankfully I have more Sky Bricks fabric, both small and large prints, so expect to see some more Lego baskets in the future. On the other hand, a large drawstring bag would be great from this fabric.

What do you think I should make?

... Pam


  1. If you fold down a bit of a cuff it'll give the basket more body :) I think a Lego drawstring bag would be great for gifting a box of Lego, and the basket is great for kids to ORGANIZE their Lego :D OF course, both of those could be used for other things as well, lol.

  2. What a pretty bag, Pam! The Legos fabric is perfect too. Beautiful work by you, as always.

  3. I'm thinking of a big pouch with a zipper like Amy's suggestion

  4. So much nicer than a hard plastic. Keeps the noise level down, too. Wish this idea was around when my boys were lego maniacs.

  5. You can roll the top down a bit (per Sandra's suggestion) and you can also add a cardboard insert to the bottom to help stabilize it. Covering it is optional.
    If you're really wanting to add more structure, you can unpick lining and insert a piece of peltex (71? or even flexible plastic sheets cut to size) around the sides and then stitch the lining back in place.
    I want handles and I'm almost thinking Pink Penguin's Lunch Basket would be an awesome top closure. I'd sew another.


  6. Great combination with lego for a gift. And I'm hoping you'll perfect your basket design and then post a tutorial, because it's definitely something I could see myself making, and I've never managed enogh sturdiness in previous attempts.

  7. Wow, I sure wish I had a few of these when my son was at Lego playing age! So pretty to have sitting out in a room and yet so functional!


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