Friday, 14 February 2014

Adding Lace to a Pillowcase...

Believe it or not, I've just finished sewing a gift for Christmas this year and it's only February!!! I'm determined this year to avoid the last minute rush of organising gifts. I always make pillowcases for the little people in the family (and sometimes the big people), so this was an easy place to start.

Sometimes I use Christmas fabric, but often as not, I'll use fabric that's more suited to the bedroom of the recipient; in this case Purple Childhood Dream - Twill Cotton Bedding Fabric, given to me by Wholeport. The cuff and back are fabrics from my stash.

Because I often make pillowcases, I have pattern pieces cut to size, originally taken from measurements for the pillowcase tutorial by Flower Press. This tutorial gives measurement for Australian, UK and US pillow sizes.

This time, I've added lace; White Cotton Lace Trim Floral Eyelet Lace Trim, from Wholeport. The lace adds a nice little touch, and is super easy to do. 
  • Line up the raw edge of the lace with the raw edge of the main fabric and sew the two together.
  • Place the cuff on the top of the main fabric and sew together. The lace, already sewn to the main fabric, will be sandwiched between the two, with the raw edge of the lace flush with the raw edges of the cuff and main fabric. 
  • Neaten the seam by overlocking (serging) or zig zagging.
  • Fold the seam away from the cuff and towards the main fabric.
  • Decide which side you want the lace to sit and topstitch over the seam. In this case, I wanted the lace on the main fabric, so I've topstitched over the lace.

The second pillowcase will become a birthday present. How organised am I? For this one, I had enough fabric for both the front and back; Lovely Kitty Pure Cotton Fabric Sheeting, from Wholeport, with gingham from my stash for the cuff.

This time I wanted the lace over the gingham. The seam is still pressed towards the main fabric, and that's the side to topstitch, so the topstitching for this pillowcase is on the opposite side to the lace.

There was enough fabric to make two extra pillowcases, one of each fabric. These will be donated to  Pillowcases for Oncology Kids.

Thanks, Wholeport, for giving me the lace and most of the fabrics used in making all four pillowcases.

Pillowcases really are quick and easy projects... perfect if you are new to sewing. There are lots of tutorials online. Last year I did a roundup of pillowcase tutorials.

One Christmas present done. These two pillowcases are packed away and labelled. Sandra, from Sandra Sews, is doing her best to keep me organised and on task for Christmas sewing this year. We'll see how I go!!!

... Pam


  1. YAY YOU! LOL!! The p-cases are adorable - I like the addition of the lace, but what I particularly like, is that gingham cuff! I need to try that combo :D

  2. What a great idea! Socal gal is having a Christmas present link party on the 15th, if you haven't already heard about it. I'm making my Christmas present tonight, but I love the idea of pillowcases! Do you give hem new pillows too?

  3. Cute pillowcases Pam, the lace trim really sets them off. Hope you link them up to the Ho Ho Ho and on We Sew Link Party on the 18th we have a great giveaway lined up for the party :)

  4. I originally thought you were very late with your Christmas present until I re-read the sentence and realized you're extremely organized and off to a good start! Pillowcases seem like a good way to use up fabric too, as well as being a very usable gift

  5. Hats off to you for actually starting your gift sewing early instead of just talking about it! The lace trim is a great way to add a feminine touch to the pillow case.:)

  6. You are making me feel bad. Maybe even bad enough to get going on some gifts myself.

  7. So adorable! Every recipient will be thrilled! Beautiful job!


  8. I just taught my oldest daughter how to do this. She is working on doll bedding for an 18 inch. I thought it was the perfect project to practice top stitching because it doesn't use much fabric or lace so she can do it again and again until she is happy with the results.

    1. I bet your daughter loves sewing things for her doll. Great way to teach her to sew.

  9. I like the lace addition, very pretty!

  10. What a great combo - Hello Kitty, lace and gingham!

  11. Very cute. I'm sure that someone is going to be very happy come Christmas.

  12. These pillowcase are adorable! My two girls would love the fabric you've chosen :)


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