Sunday, 18 September 2011

RPC and Wrap Around Dress: Addition

I've made a slight alteration to the Mary Go 'Round dress, by adding an extra button. It seemed to need the extra button to make it sit correctly.

After much deliberation and researching, I have finally started my Retro Pillow. There's lots of work ahead for me and still much for me to learn to enable me to finish the pillow. Here's a photo of fabric I'm using as inspiration for my pillow. I forgot to copy the address of the location of the fabric.

I can clearly remember fabric like this from the 70s. In fact, we had curtains that were made from a very similar material. I've chosen a dark navy for the background and will do the flowers in purples and mauves.

When I bought my fabrics, the lady who owns the shop commented on the fact that I was using colours used by the Amish in their quilts. She was extremely helpful in answering my questions on quilting and even talked me out of buying some fabric. I can remember different textured fabrics from the 70s, such as velours and chenille. The shopkeeper felt that for a first time quilting, the chenille would be too difficult. I was impressed that she cared enough to do herself out of a sale.

At the moment, I'm playing with arranging circles and flower shapes on the dark navy fabric. I wonder if what's in my head will translate to the finished pillow....


  1. Thanks for the comment on my pillow project....since I don't ever keep them long enough to need to wash...I dont worry about I can't answer the question...I just go for it! Would love to have you as a follower..I joined your wonderful blog!

  2. I like the fabric and the color choices u r describing sound promising. Curious what u will come up with. The little dress is cute!

  3. Thanks for linking up at Freestyle Friday and good luck on your pillow!! I have got to get going on mine, sheesh! :)


  4. Although a bit too colourful I must admit I actually quite like the fabric! it looks very cheerful! Can't wait to see what you’ll make.


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