Monday, 8 July 2013

Making an Outfit More Girlie...

I cannot wear those. They are not for girls. They are boys' pants!!!

How to make an outfit more girlie. Head on over to The House of Estrela, to see my latest refashion.

... Pam


  1. Very good work!
    Have a great week!

  2. Love these Pam!! These are so girly and beautiful!

  3. You're making work for me again! I'm definitely going to try to make some of these.

  4. I hear that at least twice a day. My kiddos are 16 months apart; (boy then girl), so I literally just move my son's outgrown clothes to my daughters closet. Poor thing! Off to check out the tute!

  5. What an adorable skirt! I agree with the little Miss --- I wouldn't want to wear boy pants either - unless they'd been girlified, lol!

    When my oldest son was destashing his closet a few weeks ago I nabbed a sweatshirt that was worn to the perfect level of *soft*, and which had just the right amount of wiggle room in it for old mom. I'll girl it up in the fall and see if he notices :D


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