
Tuesday 8 September 2015

Keeping Track of Needles in Sewing Machine

A very quick post today to show you how I keep track of the size and type of needle that is currently in my sewing machine.

Simple idea to keep track of which needle is in your sewing machine ~ Threading My Way

A rubber band around the box tells me where to return the needle when I've finished and a mark inside the box shows the size of the needle.

I know it's recommended to change needles with each new project, but I keep them until I notice a problem - usually missed stitches. The mark in the box tells me exactly where to return the needle. Further down the track I'll know that the needle has been used before.

And when I do throw out a needle, I pop it into a container which sits on my desk.

I honestly can't remember if I thought of the rubber band idea myself or whether it's something I've seen somewhere in my travels. Same with marking the position of the needle in the box. Let me know if you've seen this idea before.

How do you keep track of which needle is in your machine?

... Pam


  1. I keep the little plastic needle case inside the notions box of my sewing machine - when I change to a different size I set the new case inside. I keep track of which needle is used, by always putting it in the far right slot. That isn't a perfect solution though, if all the needles are new, haha. So I do believe I'll borrow your idea and "X marks the spot" when I use a needle and put it back :)

  2. I keep the needle box with my stick pins when it is in the machine. I do not have a good method for keeping track of whether or not the needle has been used before. I will try the marking method. Thanks Pam.

  3. How timely this is! I was just thinking about how to organize my needles. I do a lot of paper piecing and would like to keep those needles separate from my regular needles. I've seen pincushions with the needle numbers marked on them, but I like your method much better as I don't need to make a special pincushion.

  4. What a great idea-thanks for sharing!

  5. Funny you should ask. I have added this one to your linky.

  6. Here is my system for keeping track of my sewing machine needles:
    Step 1) Begin a new needle. Write an index card with the title being the type of needle and size. Keep this card in front of the others. Write down the projects you make with this needle. It could be several dresses, quilts, etc.
    Step 2) When its time to change the needle for a different type of project, remove the old needle and pierce it into the card. Begin a new card for the new needle and repeat Step 1. Always keep the current needle card in front. It will be the only card without a needle.
    Step 3) If you break a needle, pierce it into the current card. Fold card several times around needle and tape closed. Throw card away and begin a new needle and a new card. Read my article here:

  7. I think you would be quite horrified if there was a little web cam peeking in to my space! I'm no where near at the being organised with needles point! Being organised with so many other bigger, more vital things is way off, never mind my needles! I'm a hopeless case!

  8. That is a wonderful suggestion. These tools are long, slender and have a point.

  9. Start a fresh needle. Make an index card with the title "type of needle and size." Maintain this card visible among the others. Make a list of the crafts you complete with this needle. It could be numerous clothes, quilts, or other items. Your ideas, which I believe are quite perceptive, resonate with me. You described the subject so clearly and thoroughly. I'm very grateful you shared this wonderful essay with us. I'm sure many readers will find it highly beneficial. Thank you for taking the time to create such a detailed piece. This book has taught me a lot.
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