
Thursday 1 March 2012

7 x 7 Link Awards...

Amy, from A Home, Made, sent me a lovely message last week, telling me she had nominated me for the 7 x 7 Link Awards. It's so lovely when someone notices and enjoys your work, but really fabulous when they let you know. There are, of course, a few things that come along with this little award.

So the first thing is, thanking the person who nominated you:
Thank you, Amy! I'm flattered and honoured to receive this award from you. Amy's A Home, Made is on my Must Read list of blogs. Amy comes up with the most amazing projects and then shares her comprehensive tutorials. You just have to have a look at Amy's awesome Ribbon Dress tutorial.

Share 7 things about yourself:
Like Amy, I find it hard to share things that I think you'll be interested in and that you haven't heard before. Here goes...
  1. When I'm not sewing, or blogging about sewing, I can be found out in my garden. Mr TMW says I need one of those visibility flags for bikes, so he doesn't have to search to find me. Hmmm, a flag on a pole attached to me as I'm gardening... the ultimate fashion accessory.
  2. In my younger days, I dreamt of being self sufficient. Picture Tom and Barbara Good from The Good Life, (or Good Neighbours as it was called in the US). It didn't happen, but I have great respect for those who follow their dream of self sufficiency, whether it be totally or partially. Any step in that direction is a positive thing.
  3. I love to have fresh flowers in the house and get great pleasure from picking them from my own garden.
  4. I like things to be tidy, but I make a mess when I work. Once involved, I can work in the mess and take a while to clean it up.
  5. I stay up till 2am most nights, if not later... you guessed it... sewing and blogging. I make up for it by getting up late each morning. I am so NOT a morning person.
  6. I'm late to nearly everywhere I go, no matter how much I plan to be on time, even if I go to bed really early the night before. Mr TMW thinks my time clock is non existant. 
  7. I don't own a dress, but I love dresses on others. I have a few skirts, but my preferred pieces of clothing are jeans, dressed up or down by the accessories and tops worn with them.

Share 7 of your blog posts that fit the following categories: (Are you getting the 7 x 7 yet?)
  1. Most Beautiful ~ I'm finding this one hard, but I'll go for the old t-shirts refashioned into a little girl's top. It's a very pretty, little top.
  2. Most Helpful ~ This would be the post on Aligning Blog Buttons, as part of a series on How Does Your Blog Look.
  3. Most Popular ~ By a long shot, this has been the Transformation of a Wedding Dress into a smart day dress.
  4. Most Controversial ~ I don't know that any of my posts are controversial, but after transforming the wedding dress into a day dress, my daughter asked me to refashion the dress into a top. Opinion was divided as to whether I should leave it as is, or transform it yet again.
  5. Most Surprisingly Successful ~ The baby doll t-shirt dress I turned into a bag has been far more popular than I would have expected.
  6. Most Underrated ~ I think this would have to be the Cupcake Dress I made, complete with a matching cupcake dress for a Cabbage Patch Doll.
  7. Most Pride Worthy ~ Probably the woman's shirt that I upcycled into a little girl's dress. I'm certainly gaining confidence in refashioning clothes.
Lastly, nominate 7 other bloggers for the 7 x 7 award:
This is the hardest part of the award, as there are SO many wonderful, inspiring blogs that I read. I'm passing the award onto 7 people who are making the world a better place, by using their blogs to help others. Head on over and have a look at the wonderful work that these amazing ladies are doing. So with this post, I pass on the honour and responsibility of the 7 x 7 to you. In no particular order...
  1. Hopeful Threads
  2. Dress A Girl Around the World, Australia
  3. Sewing For Utange
  4. Sew Delightful
  5. Sew Scrumptious
  6. Create HOPE Designs
  7. Craft Hope
I hope you are all happy to receive this award and I look forward to reading your posts, if you decide and have time to pass it on.

... Pam


  1. Congratulations on winning the well-deserved award, Pam! :)
    I love Amy's blog as well..she is so creative, just like you. :D

  2. Thank you so much for passing on the award to my blog. Thats very kind of you. I am so pleased to have discovered your blog and all the other lovely blogs too! Will try to pass it on soon. x

  3. THank you so much for nominating me too! I am cogitating my response...!

  4. Congrats, Pam! Love your blog!


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