
Monday 30 January 2012

Rag Rug...

Here are the materials for my latest project. Looks a bit of a mess doesn't it!!! There are three old tablecloths in that pile.

I should have taken photos of the three old tablecloths, but you can get an idea from the strips above. I'm guessing that the bottom fabric is cotton or maybe a cotton blend. The second one is a seersucker. I don't know what the blue fabric is, but it's much heavier than the other two and that tablecloth cost considerably more when I purchased it many years ago.

I'm joining in with Jodie, over at Ric Rac for her Rag Rug Along. This is all new to me as I've never made a rug of any description. I've just been over to the Rag Rug Along Flickr group. Do I have a lot to learn about rag rug making.

I started my rug before I looked at the Flickr photos and I'm glad I did, otherwise I might have been somewhat overwhelmed. Have you ever heard of a Toothbrush Rug? I certainly hadn't, but I've seen photos of some. There are all sorts of new to me techniques being discussed over at the Flickr group.

Here's what I've done so far. I began by tearing the brown tablecloths into one inch strips. Unfortunately, I can't tear the blue tablecloth, so I'm cutting it into strips. Yes, that is taking quite a while. I suppose I could have found another tablecloth, but I do like the blue.

I'm plaiting the strips into one LONG plait and will then sew them together. The blue tablecloth is fraying a lot. To start with, I was cutting off every stray piece of thread and was being very careful with how I plaited. I've since decided that loose threads will be part of the rug. Yes, I will cut off the threads, but there will be fraying showing.

I don't know if it will be possible to sew the plait into a rectangular rug, but that's what I'm going to attempt to do. I'm a bit doubtful about the ends sitting correctly, but I'll give it a go. If a rectangle isn't possible, I'll go for oval.

Funnily enough, I'm finding the plaiting a little addictive. Tearing the strips and the plaiting above, was all done in the one sitting. I was able to plait and talk at the same time. It's actually quite therapeutic...

... Pam

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  1. Pam - You must be one of the most creative persons I have ever known. I just love reading all your projects..especially those upcycled ones.

    You definitely are very patient..I would be pulling my hairs out if I had to do what you did in one sitting ;) I get bored and distracted very easily I guess *LOL*

  2. This is going to be a great rug! I have been hoarding worn out jeans to make a crocheted rug from. Braiding would also be a good idea for them.

  3. oh wonderful, this is on my list of things to do.

  4. How are you making your rug... Are you using a large crochet hook or braiding. LOVE TO SEE IT FINISHED.

  5. I am working on one, too. I started sewing it together in a circle and it is sooooo teedious! Another one of my UFOs... Best of luck with yours! :)

  6. What a great use of old materials! Can't wait to see it when you are finished!

  7. This is on my "to do" list for my laundry room! I just need to pick some material to use for it -- yours is coming along great!


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    Doris Bowen


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